Loic Stefan
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Cited by
Caffeine-Based Gold(I) N-Heterocyclic Carbenes as Possible Anticancer Agents: Synthesis and Biological Properties
B Bertrand, L Stefan, M Pirrotta, D Monchaud, E Bodio, P Richard, ...
Inorganic chemistry 53 (4), 2296-2303, 2014
Insights into how nucleotide supplements enhance the peroxidase-mimicking DNAzyme activity of the G-quadruplex/hemin system
L Stefan, F Denat, D Monchaud
Nucleic Acids Research 40 (17), 8759-8772, 2012
Applications of guanine quartets in nanotechnology and chemical biology
L Stefan, D Monchaud
Nature Reviews Chemistry 3 (11), 650-668, 2019
A twice-as-smart synthetic G-quartet: PyroTASQ is both a smart quadruplex ligand and a smart fluorescent probe
A Laguerre, L Stefan, M Larrouy, D Genest, J Novotna, M Pirrotta, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 136 (35), 12406-12414, 2014
Deciphering the DNAzyme activity of multimeric quadruplexes: insights into their actual role in the telomerase activity evaluation assay
L Stefan, F Denat, D Monchaud
Journal of the American Chemical Society 133 (50), 20405-20415, 2011
Supramolecular amplification of amyloid self-assembly by iodination
A Bertolani, L Pirrie, L Stefan, N Houbenov, JS Haataja, L Catalano, ...
Nature Communications 6 (1), 7574, 2015
A model of smart G-quadruplex ligand
R Haudecoeur, L Stefan, F Denat, D Monchaud
Journal of the American Chemical Society 135 (2), 550-553, 2013
DOTASQ as a prototype of nature-inspired G-quadruplex ligand
L Stefan, A Guedin, S Amrane, N Smith, F Denat, JL Mergny, D Monchaud
Chemical Communications 47 (17), 4992-4994, 2011
Assessing the differential affinity of small molecules for noncanonical DNA structures
L Stefan, B Bertrand, P Richard, P Le Gendre, F Denat, M Picquet, ...
ChemBioChem 13 (13), 1905-1912, 2012
Harnessing Nature’s Insights: Synthetic Small Molecules with Peroxidase‐Mimicking DNAzyme Properties
L Stefan, HJ Xu, CP Gros, F Denat, D Monchaud
Chemistry-A European Journal 17 (39), 10857, 2011
Porphyrin-templated synthetic G-quartet (PorphySQ): a second prototype of G-quartet-based G-quadruplex ligand
HJ Xu, L Stefan, R Haudecoeur, S Vuong, P Richard, F Denat, JM Barbe, ...
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 10 (27), 5212-5218, 2012
Multitasking Water‐Soluble Synthetic G‐Quartets: From Preferential RNA–Quadruplex Interaction to Biocatalytic Activity
R Haudecoeur, L Stefan, D Monchaud
Chemistry–A European Journal 19 (38), 12739-12747, 2013
Identifying three-way DNA junction-specific small-molecules
S Vuong, L Stefan, P Lejault, Y Rousselin, F Denat, D Monchaud
Biochimie 94 (2), 442-450, 2012
Metal-chelating activity of soy and pea protein hydrolysates obtained after different enzymatic treatments from protein isolates
S El Hajj, R Irankunda, JAC Echavarría, P Arnoux, C Paris, L Stefan, ...
Food Chemistry 405, 134788, 2023
Emerging low-molecular weight nucleopeptide-based hydrogels: State of the art, applications, challenges and perspectives
T Giraud, P Hoschtettler, G Pickaert, MC Averlant-Petit, L Stefan
Nanoscale 14 (13), 4908-4921, 2022
Improving and fine-tuning the properties of peptide-based hydrogels via incorporation of peptide nucleic acids
T Giraud, S Bouguet-Bonnet, P Marchal, G Pickaert, MC Averlant-Petit, ...
Nanoscale 12 (38), 19905-19917, 2020
Co-assembly and multicomponent hydrogel formation upon mixing nucleobase-containing peptides
T Giraud, S Bouguet-Bonnet, MJ Stébé, L Richaudeau, G Pickaert, ...
Nanoscale 13 (23), 10566-10578, 2021
Porphyrin‐based design of bioinspired multitarget quadruplex ligands
A Laguerre, N Desbois, L Stefan, P Richard, CP Gros, D Monchaud
ChemMedChem 9 (9), 2035-2039, 2014
Metal-chelating peptides separation using immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography: Experimental methodology and simulation
R Irankunda, JA Camaño Echavarría, C Paris, L Stefan, S Desobry, ...
Separations 9 (11), 370, 2022
Closer to nature: An ATP-driven bioinspired catalytic oxidation process
L Stefan, D Duret, N Spinelli, E Defrancq, D Monchaud
Chemical Communications 49 (15), 1500-1502, 2013
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Articles 1–20