Ansgar Scherp
Ansgar Scherp
University of Ulm, Germany
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F--a model of events based on the foundational ontology dolce+ DnS ultralight
A Scherp, T Franz, C Saathoff, S Staab
Proceedings of the fifth international conference on Knowledge capture, 137-144, 2009
Designing core ontologies
M d'Aquin, A Gangemi, A Scherp, C Saathoff, T Franz, S Staab
Applied Ontology 6 (3), 177-221, 2011
Schemex—efficient construction of a data catalogue by stream-based indexing of linked data
M Konrath, T Gottron, S Staab, A Scherp
Journal of Web Semantics 16, 52-58, 2012
Event based organization and access of digital photos
R Jain, GU Westermann, A Scherp, S Agaram
US Patent 8,732,161, 2014
A review of the nature and effects of guidance design features
S Morana, S Schacht, A Scherp, A Maedche
Decision Support Systems 97, 31-42, 2017
Unlocking the semantics of multimedia presentations in the web with the multimedia metadata ontology
C Saathoff, A Scherp
Proceedings of the 19th international conference on World wide web, 831-840, 2010
SemaPlorer—interactive semantic exploration of data and media based on a federated cloud infrastructure
S Schenk, C Saathoff, S Staab, A Scherp
Journal of Web Semantics 7 (4), 298-304, 2009
Semantic multimedia
S Staab, A Scherp, R Arndt, R Troncy, M Grzegorzek, C Saathoff, ...
Reasoning Web: 4th International Summer School 2008, Venice, Italy …, 2008
A core ontology on events for representing occurrences in the real world
A Scherp, T Franz, C Saathoff, S Staab
Multimedia Tools and Applications 58, 293-331, 2012
Generic support for personalized mobile multimedia tourist applications
A Scherp, S Boll
Proceedings of the 12th annual ACM international conference on Multimedia …, 2004
Bag-of-words vs. graph vs. sequence in text classification: Questioning the necessity of text-graphs and the surprising strength of a wide MLP
L Galke, A Scherp
arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.03777, 2021
Survey on common strategies of vocabulary reuse in linked open data modeling
J Schaible, T Gottron, A Scherp
The Semantic Web: Trends and Challenges: 11th International Conference, ESWC …, 2014
Semantics, content, and structure of many for the creation of personal photo albums
S Boll, P Sandhaus, A Scherp, U Westermann
Proceedings of the 15th ACM international conference on Multimedia, 641-650, 2007
Word embeddings for practical information retrieval
L Galke, A Saleh, A Scherp
Informatik 2017, 2155-2167, 2017
Using deep learning for title-based semantic subject indexing to reach competitive performance to full-text
F Mai, L Galke, A Scherp
Proceedings of the 18th ACM/IEEE on joint conference on digital libraries …, 2018
Profiling vs. time vs. content: What does matter for top-k publication recommendation based on Twitter profiles?
C Nishioka, A Scherp
Proceedings of the 16th ACM/IEEE-CS on joint conference on digital libraries …, 2016
mobileMM4U-framework support for dynamic personalized multimedia content on mobile systems
A Scherp, S Boll
Proc. Techniques and Applications for Mobile Commerce (TaMoCO), Essen (DE), 2004
Open science practices in higher education: Discussion of survey results from research and teaching staff in Germany
T Heck, I Peters, A Mazarakis, A Scherp, I Blümel
Education for Information 36 (3), 301-323, 2020
Survey on modeling and indexing events in multimedia
A Scherp, V Mezaris
Multimedia Tools and Applications 70, 7-23, 2014
Location-aware mobile multimedia applications on the Niccimon platform
J Baldzer, S Boll, P Klante, J Krösche, J Meyer, N Rump, A Scherp, ...
The 2nd Symposium on Informationssysteme fur Mobile Anwendungen IMA 4, 318-334, 2004
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Artikel 1–20