Angela Bauch
Angela Bauch
Director Product Management, Labvantage - Biomax GmbH, Munich
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Functional organization of the yeast proteome by systematic analysis of protein complexes
AC Gavin, M Bösche, R Krause, P Grandi, M Marzioch, A Bauer, J Schultz, ...
Nature 415 (6868), 141-147, 2002
A physical and functional map of the human TNF-α/NF-κB signal transduction pathway
T Bouwmeester, A Bauch, H Ruffner, PO Angrand, G Bergamini, ...
Nature cell biology 6 (2), 97-105, 2004
An efficient tandem affinity purification procedure for interaction proteomics in mammalian cells
T Bürckstümmer, KL Bennett, A Preradovic, G Schütze, O Hantschel, ...
Nature methods 3 (12), 1013-1019, 2006
The DEAD‐box helicase DDX3X is a critical component of the TANK‐binding kinase 1‐dependent innate immune response
D Soulat, T Bürckstümmer, S Westermayer, A Goncalves, A Bauch, ...
The EMBO journal 27 (15), 2135-2146, 2008
openBIS: a flexible framework for managing and analyzing complex data in biology research
A Bauch, I Adamczyk, P Buczek, FJ Elmer, K Enimanev, P Glyzewski, ...
BMC bioinformatics 12, 1-19, 2011
The vav exchange factor is an essential regulator in actin-dependent receptor translocation to the lymphocyte–antigen-presenting cell interface
C Wülfing, A Bauch, GR Crabtree, MM Davis
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 97 (18), 10150-10155, 2000
Plk1-dependent phosphorylation of optineurin provides a negative feedback mechanism for mitotic progression
D Kachaner, J Filipe, E Laplantine, A Bauch, KL Bennett, G Superti-Furga, ...
Molecular cell 45 (4), 553-566, 2012
COVID19 Disease Map, a computational knowledge repository of virus–host interaction mechanisms
M Ostaszewski, A Niarakis, A Mazein, I Kuperstein, R Phair, ...
Molecular systems biology 17 (10), e10387, 2021
Interaction of the CD5 cytoplasmic domain with the Ca2+ /calmodulin‐dependent kinase IIδ
A Bauch, KS Campbell, M Reth
European journal of immunology 28 (7), 2167-2177, 1998
Charting protein complexes, signaling pathways, and networks in the immune system
A Bauch, G Superti‐Furga
Immunological reviews 210 (1), 187-207, 2006
Cytoplasmic Listeria monocytogenes stimulates IFN-β synthesis without requiring the adapter protein MAVS
D Soulat, A Bauch, S Stockinger, G Superti-Furga, T Decker
FEBS letters 580 (9), 2341-2346, 2006
AT cell controlled molecular pathway regulating the IgH locus: CD40‐mediated activation of the IgH 3′ enhancer.
PA Grant, T Andersson, MF Neurath, V Arulampalam, A Bauch, R Müller, ...
The EMBO Journal 15 (23), 6691-6700, 1996
The cytoskeleton in lymphocyte signaling
A Bauch, FW Alt, GR Crabtree, SB Snapper
Academic Press 75, 89-114, 2000
Implementing systems medicine within healthcare
M Kirschner, A Bauch, A Agusti, S Hilke, S Merk, C Pison, J Roldan, ...
Genome Medicine 7 (102), 2015
Drug-target identification in COVID-19 disease mechanisms using computational systems biology approaches
A Niarakis, M Ostaszewski, A Mazein, I Kuperstein, M Kutmon, ...
Frontiers in Immunology 14, 1282859, 2024
Towards a comprehensive open source platform for management and analysis of High Content Screening data
K Kozak, A Bauch, T Pylak, B Rinn
European Pharmaceutical Review 4, 34-38, 2010
A versatile and interoperable computational framework for the analysis and modeling of COVID-19 disease mechanisms
A Niarakis, M Ostaszewski, A Mazein, I Kuperstein, M Kutmon, ...
bioRxiv, 2022.12. 17.520865, 2022
Informing epidemic (research) responses in a timely fashion by knowledge management–a Zika virus use case
A Bauch, J Pellet, T Schleicher, X Yu, A Gelemanović, C Cristella, ...
Biology open 9 (12), bio053934, 2020
Systems Biology
A Bauch, G Superti-Furga
Rheumatology 6, 2014
SY-20 The TBK-1 substrate DDX3X, a DEAD-box RNA helicase, provides innate immunity to listeria monocytogenes
T Decker, D Soulat, T Bürckstümmer, S Westermayer, A Goncalves, ...
Cytokine 3 (43), 304, 2008
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