R. J. Furnstahl
R. J. Furnstahl
Professor of Physics, Ohio State University
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From low-momentum interactions to nuclear structure
SK Bogner, RJ Furnstahl, A Schwenk
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 65 (1), 94-147, 2010
Similarity renormalization group for nucleon-nucleon interactions
SK Bogner, RJ Furnstahl, RJ Perry
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 75 (6), 061001, 2007
Neutron radii in mean-field models
RJ Furnstahl
Nuclear Physics A 706 (1-2), 85-110, 2002
Quark and gluon condensates in nuclear matter
TD Cohen, RJ Furnstahl, DK Griegel
Physical Review C 45 (4), 1881, 1992
A chiral effective Lagrangian for nuclei
RJ Furnstahl, BD Serot, HB Tang
Nuclear Physics A 615 (4), 441-482, 1997
Improved nuclear matter calculations from chiral low-momentum interactions
K Hebeler, SK Bogner, RJ Furnstahl, A Nogga, A Schwenk
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 83 (3), 031301, 2011
Quantifying truncation errors in effective field theory
RJ Furnstahl, N Klco, DR Phillips, S Wesolowski
Physical Review C 92 (2), 024005, 2015
Analysis of chiral mean-field models for nuclei
RJ Furnstahl, BD Serot, HB Tang
Nuclear Physics A 598 (4), 539-582, 1996
Evolving nuclear many-body forces with the similarity renormalization group
ED Jurgenson, P Navratil, RJ Furnstahl
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 83 (3), 034301, 2011
How well do we know the neutron-matter equation of state at the densities inside neutron stars? A Bayesian approach with correlated uncertainties
C Drischler, RJ Furnstahl, JA Melendez, DR Phillips
Physical Review Letters 125 (20), 202702, 2020
Is nuclear matter perturbative with low-momentum interactions?
SK Bogner, A Schwenk, RJ Furnstahl, A Nogga
Nuclear Physics A 763, 59-79, 2005
QCD sum rules and applications to nuclear physics
TD Cohen, RJ Furnstahl, DK Griegel, X Jin
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 35, 221-298, 1995
From QCD sum rules to relativistic nuclear physics
TD Cohen, RJ Furnstahl, DK Griegel
Physical Review Letters 67 (8), 961, 1991
Vacuum contributions in a chiral effective Lagrangian for nuclei
RJ Furnstahl, HB Tang, BD Serot
Physical Review C 52 (3), 1368, 1995
Few-nucleon systems with state-of-the-art chiral nucleon-nucleon forces
S Binder, A Calci, E Epelbaum, RJ Furnstahl, J Golak, K Hebeler, ...
Physical Review C 93 (4), 044002, 2016
The nuclear spin-orbit force in chiral effective field theories
RJ Furnstahl, JJ Rusnak, BD Serot
Nuclear Physics A 632 (4), 607-623, 1998
Toward ab initio density functional theory for nuclei
JE Drut, RJ Furnstahl, L Platter
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 64 (1), 120-168, 2010
Bayesian truncation errors in chiral effective field theory: nucleon-nucleon observables
JA Melendez, S Wesolowski, RJ Furnstahl
Physical Review C 96 (2), 024003, 2017
A recipe for EFT uncertainty quantification in nuclear physics
RJ Furnstahl, DR Phillips, S Wesolowski
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 42 (3), 034028, 2015
QCD sum rules for nucleons in nuclear matter II
X Jin, TD Cohen, RJ Furnstahl, DK Griegel
Physical Review C 47 (6), 2882, 1993
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