Antiopi Gigantidou
Antiopi Gigantidou
Head of the Power Dispatching Center of Crete
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Energy management and control of island power systems with increased penetration from renewable sources
N Hatziargyriou, G Contaxis, M Matos, JAP Lopes, G Kariniotakis, ...
2002 IEEE power engineering society winter meeting. Conference proceedings …, 2002
An advanced model for the efficient and reliable short-term operation of insular electricity networks with high renewable energy sources penetration
CK Simoglou, EG Kardakos, EA Bakirtzis, DI Chatzigiannis, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 38, 415-427, 2014
Security and economic impacts of high wind power penetration in island systems
N Hatziargyriou, A Tsikalakis, A Dimeas, D Georgiadis, A Gigantidou, ...
Proc. Cigre Session, 1-9, 2004
Renewable energy sources in Crete
A Gigantidou
2013 IREP Symposium Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control-IX Optimization …, 2013
Financial contribution of wind power on the island system of Crete
A Tsikalakis, N Hatziargyriou, K Papadogiannis, A Gigantidou, ...
Proc of RES for islands conference, Crete, 21-31, 2003
More Care overview
ND Hatziargyriou, G Contaxis, A Atsaves, M Matos, JAP Lopes, ...
Med power 2002, 2002
Preliminary results from the More Advanced Control Advice Project for secure operation of isolated power systems with increased renewable energy penetration and storage
N Hatziargyriou, G Contaxis, M Matos, JAP Lopes, MH Vasconcelos, ...
2001 IEEE Porto Power Tech Proceedings (Cat. No. 01EX502) 4, 6 pp. vol. 4, 2001
Energy management in the Greek islands
N Hatziargyriou, S Papathanasiou, I Vitellas, S Makrinikas, A Dimeas, ...
International Council on Large Electric Systems (CIGRE) Session 45, 2012
The" CARE" System Overview: Advanced Control Advice for Power Systems with Large-scale Integration of Renewable Energy Sources
N Hatziargyriou, G Contaxis, M Papadopoulos, B Papadias, JAP Lopes, ...
Wind Engineering, 57-68, 1999
Operation and control of island systems-the Crete case
N Hatziargyriou, G Contaxis, M Papadopoulos, B Papadias, MA Matos, ...
2000 IEEE Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting. Conference Proceedings …, 2000
The ANEMOS Project: next generation forecasting of wind power
G Kariniotakis, D Mayer, H Detlev, J Tambke, J Usaola, I Marti, H Madsen, ...
International technical Conference DEWEK 2004, 7th German Wind Energy …, 2004
Assessment of the impact of a battery energy storage system on the scheduling and operation of the insular power system of Crete
SI Vagropoulos, CK Simoglou, AG Bakirtzis, EJ Thalassinakis, ...
2014 49th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), 1-6, 2014
Artificial intelligence techniques applied to dynamic security assessment of isolated systems with high wind power penetration
N Hatziargyriou, E Karapidakis, JAP Lopes, MHOP de Vasconcelos, ...
CIGRE 2000, 2000
GC Hatziargyriou, M Matos, JAP Lopes, G Kariniotakis, D Mayer, ...
Advice for Secure Operation of Isolated Power Systems with Increased …, 0
Assessment of the required running capacity in weakly interconnected insular power systems
AG Paspatis, K Fiorentzis, I Katsigiannis, A Tsikalakis, ES Karapidakis, ...
Electric Power Systems Research 221, 109436, 2023
Intelligent techniques applied to the economic and secure operation of island systems with large wind power penetration
N Hatziargyriou, A Dimeas, A Tsikalakis, A Gigantidou, E Thalassinakis
Proc. 2003 ISAP Conf, 2003
Crete Power System
A Gigantidou
Proceedings of the 4th International Hybrid Power Systems Workshop, Crete …, 2019
Estimation of Hosting Electric Vehicles Capacity in the Transformers on the Island of Crete
M Dimitropoulou, A Tsikalakis, A Gigantidou, E Thalassinakis, D Pylarinos
Power Systems, Energy Markets and Renewable Energy Sources in South-Eastern …, 2016
Control advice for power systems with large-scale integration of renewable energy sources
N Hatziargyriou, G Contaxis, M Papadopoulos, B Papadlas, ...
1999 European Wind Energy Conference, 413-416, 2014
Control of isolated power systems with increased PV and wind power integration
ND Hatziargyriou, N Papadopoulos, P Papadias, G Contaxis, E Nogaret, ...
2nd World Conference on Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conversion 3, 2795-2798, 1998
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