Germám Yovanny Vélez Castillo
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Disorder Effect on the Magnetic Behavior of Mechanically Alloyed Fe1−xAlx (0.2⩽ x⩽ 0.4)
LE Zamora, GAP Alcázar, GY Vélez, JD Betancur, JF Marco, JJ Romero, ...
Physical Review B 79 (9), 094418, 2009
Influence of Atomic Ordering on the Fe2Nb Antiferromagnetic Alloy
GY Vélez, GAP Alcázar, LE Zamora
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 354, 333-335, 2013
Immobilization of Metal and Metal Oxide Nanoparticles on Graphene
GY Vélez, A Encinas, M Quintana
Functionalization of Graphene 8, 219-254, 2014
Structural and Magnetic Study of the Fe2Nb Alloy Obtained by Mechanical Alloying and Sintering
GY Vélez, GAP alcázar, LE Zamora, JA Tabares
Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 27 (5), 1279-1283, 2013
Effect of the Preparation Method on the Structural and Magnetic Properties of the Fe2Nb Alloy
GY Vélez, GA Alcázar, LE Zamora, JA Tabares
Crystal Research and Technology 48 (7), 423-429, 2013
Structural and Hyperfine Study of the FeNi3 Nanostructured Alloy
GY Vélez, GAP Alcázar, LE Zamora, JA Tabares
Revista Mexicana de Física 58 (2), 108-111, 2012
Influence of Atomic Ordering on Sigma Phase Precipitation of the Fe50Cr50 Alloy
GY Vélez, GAP Alcázar
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 644, 1009-1012, 2015
Influence of silicon and atomic order on the magnetic properties of (Fe80Al20)100–xSix nanostructured system
GY Vélez, GAP Alcázar, LE Zamora, JJ Romero, A Martínez
Hiperfine Interactions 195, 179-184, 2009
Superparamagnetic Relaxation in Interacting Magnetic Particle Assemblies
GY Vélez, A Encinas
Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 32, 2259-2265, 2019
Structural and Magnetic Properties Study of Nd16Fe76-xNixB8 Alloys with Low Ni Contents
JM Jiménez, GY Vélez, LE Zamora, GA Pérez
Revista de Física Momento 44, 11-21, 2012
Mössbauer and XRD study of the Fe65Si35 alloy obtained by mechanical alloying
GY Vélez, RR Rodríguez, CA Melo, GAP Alcázar, LE Zamora, JA Tabares
Hyperfine Interactions 203 (1-3), 93-97, 2011
Efectos del Orden Atómico Sobre las Propiedades Magnéticas de la Aleaciones FeNi3, Fe2Nb y FeCr
GY Vélez Castillo
Universidad del Valle, 2015
Structural and Hyperfine Htudy of the (Fe60Al40) 100−xNbx Nanostructured System
JAV Jaramillo, GY Vélez, LE Zamora, GAP Alcázar, JA Tabares
Revista Mexicana de Física 58 (2), 142-146, 2012
Influence of silicon and atomic order on the magnetic properties of (Fe {sub 80} Al {sub 20}){sub 100}-{sub x} Si {sub x} nanostructured system
GY Velez, GA Perez Alcazar, LE Zamora, JJ Romero, A Martinez
Hyperfine Interactions 195, 2010
Disorder effect on the magnetic behavior of mechanically alloyed Fe1-x Alx (0.2≤ x≤ 0.4)
LE Zamora Alfonso, GA Pérez Alcázar, GY Vélez, J Betancur, JF Marco, ...
American Institute of Physics, 2009
Comportamiento Magnético de la Aleación (Fe80Al20)100-xSix Nanoestructurada
GY Vélez, GAP Alcázar, LE Zamora, JM González
Revista Latinoamericana de Metalurgia y Materiales, 649-653, 2009
Efecto de Alear Si en el Sistema Fe80Al20
GY Vélez, GA Alcázar, LE Zamora, JJ Romero, A Martínez, JM González
Revista Colombiana de Física 40 (2), 281-284, 2008
Estudio Mössbauer del Efecto del Si en el Sistema Fe80Al20 Mecánicamente Aleado
GY Vélez, GA Alcázar, L Zamora
Revista Colombiana de Física 39 (2), 503-506, 2007
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