David A Springate
David A Springate
Research Fellow - University of Manchester
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Regression based quasi-experimental approach when randomisation is not an option: interrupted time series analysis
E Kontopantelis, T Doran, DA Springate, I Buchan, D Reeves
bmj 350, 2015
Sympatric speciation in palms on an oceanic island
V Savolainen, MC Anstett, C Lexer, I Hutton, JJ Clarkson, MV Norup, ...
Nature 441 (7090), 210-213, 2006
A re-analysis of the Cochrane Library data: the dangers of unobserved heterogeneity in meta-analyses
E Kontopantelis, DA Springate, D Reeves
PloS one 8 (7), e69930, 2013
Incidence, prevalence and mortality of patients with psoriasis: a UK population‐based cohort study
DA Springate, R Parisi, E Kontopantelis, D Reeves, CEM Griffiths, ...
British Journal of Dermatology 176 (3), 650-658, 2017
Publication bias in meta‐analyses from the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
M Kicinski, DA Springate, E Kontopantelis
Statistics in medicine 34 (20), 2781-2793, 2015
ClinicalCodes: an online clinical codes repository to improve the validity and reproducibility of research using electronic medical records
DA Springate, E Kontopantelis, DM Ashcroft, I Olier, R Parisi, ...
PloS one 9 (6), e99825, 2014
Phylogeny and evolution of basils and allies (Ocimeae, Labiatae) based on three plastid DNA regions
AJ Paton, D Springate, S Suddee, D Otieno, RJ Grayer, MM Harley, ...
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 31 (1), 277-299, 2004
Investigating the relationship between quality of primary care and premature mortality in England: a spatial whole-population study
E Kontopantelis, DA Springate, M Ashworth, RT Webb, IE Buchan, ...
Bmj 350, 2015
Withdrawing performance indicators: retrospective analysis of general practice performance under UK Quality and Outcomes Framework
E Kontopantelis, D Springate, D Reeves, DM Ashcroft, JM Valderas, ...
Bmj 348, 2014
Plant responses to elevated temperatures: a field study on phenological sensitivity and fitness responses to simulated climate warming
DA Springate, PX Kover
Global Change Biology 20 (2), 456-465, 2014
Glucose, blood pressure and cholesterol levels and their relationships to clinical outcomes in type 2 diabetes: a retrospective cohort study
E Kontopantelis, DA Springate, D Reeves, DM Ashcroft, M Rutter, ...
Diabetologia 58, 505-518, 2015
Parental psychiatric disease and risks of attempted suicide and violent criminal offending in offspring: a population-based cohort study
PLH Mok, CB Pedersen, D Springate, A Astrup, N Kapur, S Antonsen, ...
JAMA psychiatry 73 (10), 1015-1022, 2016
Can analyses of electronic patient records be independently and externally validated? The effect of statins on the mortality of patients with ischaemic heart disease: a cohort …
D Reeves, DA Springate, DM Ashcroft, R Ryan, T Doran, R Morris, I Olier, ...
BMJ open 4 (4), e004952, 2014
ADHD in the United Kingdom: regional and socioeconomic variations in incidence rates amongst children and adolescents (2004-2013)
AJ Hire, DM Ashcroft, DA Springate, DT Steinke
Journal of attention disorders 22 (2), 134-142, 2018
Simulation-based power calculations for mixed effects modeling: ipdpower in Stata
E Kontopantelis, DA Springate, R Parisi, D Reeves
Journal of statistical software 74, 1-25, 2016
Can analyses of electronic patient records be independently and externally validated? Study 2—the effect of β-adrenoceptor blocker therapy on cancer survival: a retrospective …
DA Springate, DM Ashcroft, E Kontopantelis, T Doran, R Ryan, D Reeves
BMJ open 5 (4), e007299, 2015
Associations between exemption and survival outcomes in the UK's primary care pay-for-performance programme: a retrospective cohort study
E Kontopantelis, DA Springate, DM Ashcroft, JM Valderas, ...
BMJ quality & safety 25 (9), 657-670, 2016
Correlated response in plasticity to selection for early flowering in Arabidopsis thaliana
DA Springate, N Scarcelli, J Rowntree, PX Kover
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24 (10), 2280-2288, 2011
Modelling conditions and health care processes in electronic health records: an application to severe mental illness with the Clinical Practice Research Datalink
I Olier, DA Springate, DM Ashcroft, T Doran, D Reeves, C Planner, ...
PLoS One 11 (2), e0146715, 2016
Evaluating the effects of common‐pool resource institutions and market forces on species richness and forest cover in Ecuadorian indigenous Kichwa communities
JA Oldekop, AJ Bebbington, K Hennermann, J McMorrow, DA Springate, ...
Conservation Letters 6 (2), 107-115, 2013
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Articles 1–20