Sven Bertel
Sven Bertel
Professor of usability, Flensburg University of Applied Sciences, CIVU
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Shoe me the way: A shoe-based tactile interface for eyes-free urban navigation
M Schirmer, J Hartmann, S Bertel, F Echtler
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Human-Computer …, 2015
Modifying gesture elicitation: Do kinaesthetic priming and increased production reduce legacy bias?
L Hoff, E Hornecker, S Bertel
Proceedings of the TEI'16: Tenth International Conference on Tangible …, 2016
Rotate it!–Effects of touch-based gestures on elementary school students' solving of mental rotation tasks
S Zander, S Wetzel, S Bertel
Computers & Education 103, 158-169, 2016
Aspectualize and conquer in architectural design
S Bertel, C Freksa, G Vrachliotis
Visual and spatial reasoning in design III, 255-279, 2004
Spatial knowledge acquired from pedestrian urban navigation systems
S Bertel, T Dressel, T Kohlberg, V von Jan
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Human-Computer …, 2017
Comprehension of multimedia health information among older adults with chronic illness
D Morrow, L D’andrea, EAL Stine-Morrow, M Shake, S Bertel, J Chin, ...
Visual Communication 11 (3), 347-362, 2012
Design space exploration framework
E Fuchkina, S Schneider, S Bertel, I Osintseva
eCAADe 36, 367-376, 2018
The future of geographic information displays from giscience, cartographic, and cognitive science perspectives
T Thrash, S Lanini-Maggi, SI Fabrikant, S Bertel, A Brügger, S Credé, ...
14th International Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT 2019) 142 …, 2019
Dynamically adapting an AI game engine based on players' eye movements and strategies
S Wetzel, K Spiel, S Bertel
Proceedings of the 2014 ACM SIGCHI symposium on Engineering interactive …, 2014
Supporting the designer’s and the user’s perspectives in computer-aided architectural design
KF Richter, B Weber, B Bojduj, S Bertel
Advanced Engineering Informatics 24 (2), 180-187, 2010
Spatial principles in control of focus in reasoning with mental representations, images, and diagrams
D Engel, S Bertel, T Barkowsky
International Conference on Spatial Cognition, 181-203, 2004
Does Personalisation Promote Learners' Attention? An Eye-Tracking Study.
S Zander, M Reichelt, S Wetzel, F Kämmerer, S Bertel
Frontline Learning Research 3 (4), 1-13, 2015
Modeling mental spatial reasoning about cardinal directions
H Schultheis, S Bertel, T Barkowsky
Cognitive science 38 (8), 1521-1561, 2014
LTMC. An improved longterm memory for cognitive architectures
H Schultheis, T Barkowsky, S Bertel
Proceedings of the seventh international conference on cognitive modeling …, 2006
" Not another Z piece!" Adaptive Difficulty in TETRIS
K Spiel, S Bertel, F Kayali
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2017
Aspect-oriented building design: Toward computer-aided approaches to solving spatial constraint problems in architecture
S Bertel, G Vrachliotis, C Freksa
Applied spatial cognition: From research to cognitive technology, 75-102, 2007
Computational modeling of reasoning with mental images: basic requirements
S Bertel, T Barkowsky, D Engel, C Freksa
Proceedings of the 7th international conference on cognitive modeling, 50-55, 2006
Underlying processes of an inverted personalization effect in multimedia learning–An eye-tracking study
S Zander, S Wetzel, T Kühl, S Bertel
Frontiers in Psychology 8, 2202, 2017
Tabletop teleporter: evaluating the immersiveness of remote board gaming
J Odenwald, S Bertel, F Echtler
Proceedings of the 9TH ACM International Symposium on Pervasive Displays, 79-86, 2020
Performance & Emotion--A Study on Adaptive E-Learning Based on Visual/Verbal Learning Styles.
J Beckmann, S Bertel, S Zander
International Association for Development of the Information Society, 2015
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