David Thornton
David Thornton
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Improving risk assessments for sex offenders: A comparison of three actuarial scales
RK Hanson, D Thornton
Law and Human behavior 24 (1), 119-136, 2000
Assessing risk for sexual recidivism: Some proposals on the nature of psychologically meaningful risk factors
RE Mann, RK Hanson, D Thornton
Sexual Abuse 22 (2), 191-217, 2010
Static-99: Improving actuarial risk assessments for sex offenders
RK Hanson
Department of the Solicit or General of Canada, 1999
Psychopathy and the predictive validity of the PCL‐R: An international perspective
RD Hare, D Clark, M Grann, D Thornton
Behavioral sciences & the law 18 (5), 623-645, 2000
Constructing and testing a framework for dynamic risk assessment
D Thornton
Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment 14, 139-153, 2002
Improving the predictive accuracy of Static-99 and Static-2002 with older sex offenders: Revised age weights
L Helmus, D Thornton, RK Hanson, KM Babchishin
Sexual Abuse 24 (1), 64-101, 2012
Distinguishing and combining risks for sexual and violent recidivism
D Thornton, R Mann, S Webster, L Blud, R Travers, C Friendship, ...
Annals of the New York academy of sciences 989 (1), 225-235, 2003
Static-99 Coding Rules Revised-2003
A Harris
Corrections Directorate Solicitor General Canada, 2003
Risk assessment of sex offenders.
AR Beech, DD Fisher, D Thornton
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 34 (4), 339, 2003
Absolute recidivism rates predicted by Static-99R and Static-2002R sex offender risk assessment tools vary across samples: A meta-analysis
L Helmus, RK Hanson, D Thornton, KM Babchishin, AJR Harris
Criminal justice and behavior 39 (9), 1148-1171, 2012
Process variables in the treatment of sexual offenders: A review of the relevant literature
WL Marshall, YM Fernandez, GA Serran, R Mulloy, D Thornton, RE Mann, ...
Aggression and violent behavior 8 (2), 205-234, 2003
Therapist characteristics in the treatment of sexual offenders: Tentative data on their relationship with indices of behaviour change
WL Marshall, GA Serran, YM Fernandez, R Mulloy, RE Mann, D Thornton
Journal of Sexual Aggression 9 (1), 25-30, 2003
An exploration of protective factors supporting desistance from sexual offending
M de Vries Robbé, RE Mann, S Maruna, D Thornton
Sexual Abuse 27 (1), 16-33, 2015
High-risk sex offenders may not be high risk forever
RK Hanson, AJR Harris, L Helmus, D Thornton
Journal of interpersonal violence 29 (15), 2792-2813, 2014
Notes on the development of Static-2002
RK Hanson, D Thornton
Solicitor General Canada, 2003
Therapist features in sexual offender treatment: Their reliable identification and influence on behaviour change
WL Marshall, G Serran, H Moulden, R Mulloy, YM Fernandez, R Mann, ...
Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy: An International Journal of Theory …, 2002
Evaluating and improving risk assessment schemes for sexual recidivism: A long-term follow-up of convicted sexual offenders
RA Knight, D Thornton
National Criminal Justice Reference Service, 2007
Dimensions associated with assessments of sex offender recidivism risk
CF Roberts, DM Doren, D Thornton
Criminal Justice and Behavior 29 (5), 569-589, 2002
Predicting recidivism amongst sexual offenders: A multi-site study of Static-2002
RK Hanson, L Helmus, D Thornton
Law and Human Behavior 34, 198-211, 2010
Reductions in risk based on time offense-free in the community: Once a sexual offender, not always a sexual offender.
RK Hanson, AJR Harris, E Letourneau, LM Helmus, D Thornton
Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 24 (1), 48, 2018
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