Anthony Perl
Anthony Perl
Professor of Urban Studies and Political Science, Simon Fraser University
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Cited by
Cited by
Studying public policy: Policy cycles and policy subsystems
M Howlett
Oxford university press, 1995
Política pública: seus ciclos e subsistemas–uma abordagem integral
M Howlett, M Ramesh, A Perl
Rio de janeiro: Elsevier, 2013
Implementation styles
M Howlett, A Perl, M Ramesh
Designing government: From instruments to governance 31, 2005
Transport revolutions: moving people and freight without oil
R Gilbert, A Pearl
Routledge, 2012
Streams and stages: R econciling K ingdon and policy process theory
M Howlett, A McConnell, A Perl
European Journal of Political Research 54 (3), 419-434, 2015
Internationalized policy environments and policy network analysis
WD Coleman, A Perl
Political studies 47 (4), 691-709, 1999
Moving policy theory forward: Connecting multiple stream and advocacy coalition frameworks to policy cycle models of analysis
M Howlett, A McConnell, A Perl
Australian Journal of Public Administration 76 (1), 65-79, 2017
Weaving the fabric of public policies: comparing and integrating contemporary frameworks for the study of policy processes
M Howlett, A McConnell, A Perl
Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice 18 (3), 273-289, 2016
Studying public policy: Principles and processes
M Howlett, M Ramesh, A Perl
(No Title), 2020
The changing role of consultants in Canadian policy analysis
A Perl, DJ White
Policy, Organisation and Society 21 (1), 49-73, 2002
Policy-making and truthiness: Can existing policy models cope with politicized evidence and willful ignorance in a “post-fact” world?
A Perl, M Howlett, M Ramesh
Policy Sciences 51, 581-600, 2018
Shared autonomous vehicles: Catalyst of new mobility for the last mile?
M Ohnemus, A Perl
Built Environment 42 (4), 589-602, 2016
Corridors, hybrids and networks: three global development strategies for high speed rail
AD Perl, AR Goetz
Journal of Transport Geography 42, 134-144, 2015
Seeking urban sustainability on the world stage
M Holden, M Roseland, K Ferguson, A Perl
Habitat International 32 (3), 305-317, 2008
New Departures: Rethinking Rail Passenger Policy in the Twenty-First Century
A Perl
University Press of Kentucky, 2002
Pricing aircraft emissions at Lyon-Satolas airport
A Perl, J Patterson, M Perez
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 2 (2), 89-105, 1997
Policy networks and industrial revitalization: high speed rail initiatives in France and Germany
JA Dunn Jr, A Perl
Journal of Public Policy 14 (3), 311-343, 1994
Grid-connected vehicles as the core of future land-based transport systems
R Gilbert, A Perl
Energy Policy 35 (5), 3053-3060, 2007
What caused differential impacts on high-speed railway station area development? Evidence from global nighttime light data
T Deng, C Gan, A Perl, D Wang
Cities 97, 102568, 2020
Transit in trouble? The policy challenge posed by Canada's changing urban mobility
A Perl, J Pucher
Canadian Public Policy/Analyse de Politiques, 261-283, 1995
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Articles 1–20