Bernhard C. Geiger
Bernhard C. Geiger
Research Area Manager at Know-Center GmbH
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Learning representations for neural network-based classification using the information bottleneck principle
RA Amjad, BC Geiger
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 42 (9), 2225-2239, 2019
Greedy part-wise learning of sum-product networks
R Peharz, BC Geiger, F Pernkopf
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference …, 2013
Relative information loss in the PCA
BC Geiger, G Kubin
2012 IEEE information theory workshop, 562-566, 2012
Free space optical technologies
DM Forin, G Incerti, GMT Beleffi, ALJ Teixeira, LN Costa, PSDB Andrè, ...
Trends in Telecommunications Technologies, 2010
On information plane analyses of neural network classifiers—A review
BC Geiger
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 33 (12), 7039-7051, 2021
On the apparent Pareto front of physics-informed neural networks
FM Rohrhofer, S Posch, C Gößnitzer, BC Geiger
IEEE Access, 2023
Optimal quantization for distribution synthesis
G Böcherer, BC Geiger
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 62 (11), 6162-6172, 2016
A rate-distortion approach to caching
R Timo, SS Bidokhti, M Wigger, BC Geiger
IEEE transactions on information theory 64 (3), 1957-1976, 2017
Understanding neural networks and individual neuron importance via information-ordered cumulative ablation
RA Amjad, K Liu, BC Geiger
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 33 (12), 7842-7852, 2021
On the role of fixed points of dynamical systems in training physics-informed neural networks
FM Rohrhofer, S Posch, C Gößnitzer, BC Geiger
arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.13648, 2022
Comparison between ratio detection and threshold comparison for GNSS acquisition
BC Geiger, C Vogel, M Soudan
IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems 48 (2), 1772-1779, 2012
Comparison of link selection algorithms for free space optics/radio frequency hybrid network
F Nadeem, B Geiger, E Leitgeb, SS Muhammad, M Loeschnig, G Kandus
IET communications 5 (18), 2751-2759, 2011
Optimal kullback–leibler aggregation via information bottleneck
BC Geiger, T Petrov, G Kubin, H Koeppl
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 60 (4), 1010-1022, 2014
Lumpings of Markov chains, entropy rate preservation, and higher-order lumpability
BC Geiger, C Temmel
Journal of Applied Probability 51 (4), 1114-1132, 2014
Feature extraction from analog wafermaps: A comparison of classical image processing and a deep generative model
T Santos, S Schrunner, BC Geiger, O Pfeiler, A Zernig, A Kaestner, R Kern
IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing 32 (2), 190-198, 2019
Mesh-free surrogate models for structural mechanic FEM simulation: A comparative study of approaches
JG Hoffer, BC Geiger, P Ofner, R Kern
Applied Sciences 11 (20), 9411, 2021
SeGMA: Semi-supervised Gaussian mixture autoencoder
M Śmieja, M Wołczyk, J Tabor, BC Geiger
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 32 (9), 3930-3941, 2020
Signal enhancement as minimization of relevant information loss
BC Geiger, G Kubin
SCC 2013; 9th International ITG Conference on Systems, Communication and …, 2013
Theory-inspired machine learning—towards a synergy between knowledge and data
JG Hoffer, AB Ofner, FM Rohrhofer, M Lovrić, R Kern, S Lindstaedt, ...
Welding in the World 66 (7), 1291-1304, 2022
On the information dimension of stochastic processes
BC Geiger, T Koch
IEEE transactions on information theory 65 (10), 6496-6518, 2019
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