chiara saffirio
chiara saffirio
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science - Universitat Basel
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On the validity of the Boltzmann equation for short range potentials
M Pulvirenti, C Saffirio, S Simonella
Reviews in Mathematical Physics 26 (02), 1450001, 2014
Mean‐Field Evolution of Fermionic Mixed States
N Benedikter, V Jakšić, M Porta, C Saffirio, B Schlein
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 69 (12), 2250-2303, 2016
Mean field evolution of fermions with Coulomb interaction
M Porta, S Rademacher, C Saffirio, B Schlein
Journal of Statistical Physics 166, 1345-1364, 2017
From the Hartree dynamics to the Vlasov equation
N Benedikter, M Porta, C Saffirio, B Schlein
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 221, 273-334, 2016
From particle systems to the Landau equation: a consistency result
AV Boblylev, M Pulvirenti, C Saffirio
Communications in Mathematical Physics 319, 683-702, 2013
Multivariate central limit theorem in quantum dynamics
S Buchholz, C Saffirio, B Schlein
Journal of Statistical Physics 154 (1), 113-152, 2014
Polynomial propagation of moments and global existence for a Vlasov–Poisson system with a point charge
L Desvillettes, E Miot, C Saffirio
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré C, Analyse non linéaire 32 (2), 373-400, 2015
Strong semiclassical limits from Hartree and Hartree–Fock to Vlasov–Poisson equations
L Lafleche, C Saffirio
Analysis & PDE 16 (4), 891-926, 2023
From many-body quantum dynamics to the Hartree-Fock and Vlasov equations with singular potentials.
JJ Chong, L Lafleche, C Saffirio
Journal of the European Mathematical Society (EMS Publishing) 26 (12), 2024
Semiclassical limit to the Vlasov equation with inverse power law potentials
C Saffirio
Communications in Mathematical Physics 373 (2), 571-619, 2020
From the Hartree equation to the Vlasov--Poisson system: Strong convergence for a class of mixed states
C Saffirio
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 52 (6), 5533-5553, 2020
Mean-field evolution of fermions with singular interaction
C Saffirio
Workshop on Macroscopic Limits of Quantum Systems, 81-99, 2017
Lagrangian solutions to the Vlasov-Poisson system with a point charge
G Crippa, S Ligabue, C Saffirio
arXiv preprint arXiv:1705.08077, 2017
On the $ L^ 2$ Rate of Convergence in the Limit from the Hartree to the Vlasov $\unicode {x2013} $ Poisson Equation
JJ Chong, L Lafleche, C Saffirio
arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.11485, 2022
On the Kac model for the Landau equation
E Miot, M Pulvirenti, C Saffirio
arXiv preprint arXiv:1401.7139, 2014
Global-in-time semiclassical regularity for the Hartree–Fock equation
JJ Chong, L Lafleche, C Saffirio
Journal of Mathematical Physics 63 (8), 2022
Derivation of the Boltzmann equation: hard spheres, short-range potentials and beyond
C Saffirio
From Particle Systems to Partial Differential Equations III: Particle …, 2016
On the semiclassical regularity of thermal equilibria
JJ Chong, L Lafleche, C Saffirio
INdAM Meeting: Quantum Mathematics Workshop, 89-105, 2022
From Schrödinger to Hartree–Fock and Vlasov equations with singular potentials
J Chong, L Lafleche, C Saffirio
arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.10946, 2021
Propagation of moments for large data and semiclassical limit to the relativistic Vlasov equation
N Leopold, C Saffirio
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 55 (3), 1676-1706, 2023
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