D.N.F Awang Iskandar
Cited by
Cited by
Service learning in higher education: A systematic literature review
M Salam, DN Awang Iskandar, DHA Ibrahim, MS Farooq
Asia Pacific Education Review 20, 573-593, 2019
Glioma Tumors’ classification using deep-neural-network-based features with SVM classifier
G Latif, G Ben Brahim, DNFA Iskandar, A Bashar, J Alghazo
Diagnostics 12 (4), 1018, 2022
Diabetic retinopathy detection from fundus images of the eye using hybrid deep learning features
MM Butt, DNFA Iskandar, SE Abdelhamid, G Latif, R Alghazo
Diagnostics 12 (7), 1607, 2022
Multi-channel convolutions neural network based diabetic retinopathy detection from fundus images
MM Butt, G Latif, DNFA Iskandar, J Alghazo, AH Khan
Procedia Computer Science 163, 283-291, 2019
Enhanced MR image classification using hybrid statistical and wavelets features
G Latif, DNFA Iskandar, JM Alghazo, N Mohammad
Ieee Access 7, 9634-9644, 2018
Service learning support for academic learning and skills development
M Salam, DNFA Iskandar, DHA Ibrahim
Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC) 9 …, 2017
Multiclass brain Glioma tumor classification using block-based 3D Wavelet features of MR images
G Latif, MM Butt, AH Khan, O Butt, DNFA Iskandar
2017 4th International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Engineering …, 2017
Deep CNN based MR image denoising for tumor segmentation using watershed transform
G Latif, DA Iskandar, J Alghazo, M Butt, AH Khan
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 7 (2.3), 37-42, 2018
Content-based Image Retrieval Using Image Regions as Query Examples.
DNFA Iskandar, JA Thom, SMM Tahaghoghi
ADC 75, 39-47, 2008
Social media retrieval using image features and structured text
DNF Awang Iskandar, J Pehcevski, JA Thom, SMM Tahaghoghi
Comparative Evaluation of XML Information Retrieval Systems: 5th …, 2007
Using Latent Semantic Analysis for automated grading programming assignments
K Zen, DNFA Iskandar, O Linang
2011 International Conference on Semantic Technology and Information …, 2011
Combining image and structured text retrieval
DNFA Iskandar, J Pehcevski, JA Thom, SMM Tahaghoghi
Advances in XML Information Retrieval and Evaluation: 4th International …, 2006
Classification of skin lesion with hair and artifacts removal using black-hat morphology and total variation
AH Khan, DNFA Iskandar, JF Al-Asad, S El-Nakla
International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems 10 (1), 2021
Brain MR image classification for glioma tumor detection using deep convolutional neural network features
G Latif, DNFA Iskandar, J Alghazo, MM Butt
Current medical imaging 17 (1), 56-63, 2021
Recent advancements in fuzzy C-means based techniques for brain MRI segmentation
G Latif, J Alghazo, FN Sibai, DNFA Iskandar, AH Khan
Current medical imaging 17 (8), 917-930, 2021
Multiclass brain tumor classification using region growing based tumor segmentation and ensemble wavelet features
G Latif, DNFA Iskandar, J Alghazo
Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Computing and Big Data …, 2018
Improving brain MR image classification for tumor segmentation using phase congruency
G Latif, DNFA Iskandar, J Alghazo, A Jaffar
Current Medical Imaging 14 (6), 914-922, 2018
Analysis of Packets Abnormalities in Wireless Sensor Network
AH Azni, A Azman, MM Saudi, AH Fauzi, DNFA Iskandar
2009 Fifth International Conference on MEMS NANO, and Smart Systems, 259-264, 2009
Multimodal brain tumor segmentation using neighboring image features
G Latif, DNFA Iskandar, A Jaffar, MM Butt
Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC) 9 …, 2017
Effects of relevance criteria and subjective factors on web image searching behaviour
RA Hamid, JA Thom, DNFA Iskandar
Journal of Information Science 43 (6), 786-800, 2017
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Articles 1–20