Wolfgang Baumjohann
Wolfgang Baumjohann
Space Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences
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Basic space plasma physics
W Baumjohann, RA Treumann
The THEMIS fluxgate magnetometer
HU Auster, KH Glassmeier, W Magnes, O Aydogar, W Baumjohann, ...
Space science reviews 141 (1), 235-264, 2008
Bursty bulk flows in the inner central plasma sheet
V Angelopoulos, W Baumjohann, CF Kennel, FV Coroniti, MG Kivelson, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 97 (A4), 4027-4039, 1992
Neutral line model of substorms: Past results and present view
DN Baker, TI Pulkkinen, V Angelopoulos, W Baumjohann, RL McPherron
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 101 (A6), 12975-13010, 1996
The magnetospheric multiscale magnetometers
CT Russell, BJ Anderson, W Baumjohann, KR Bromund, D Dearborn, ...
Space Science Reviews 199 (1-4), 189-256, 2016
Statistical characteristics of bursty bulk flow events
V Angelopoulos, CF Kennel, FV Coroniti, R Pellat, MG Kivelson, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 99 (A11), 21257-21280, 1994
Characteristics of high‐speed ion flows in the plasma sheet
W Baumjohann, G Paschmann, H Lühr
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 95 (A4), 3801-3809, 1990
Average plasma properties in the central plasma sheet
W Baumjohann, G Paschmann, CA Cattell
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics (1978–2012) 94 (A6), 6597-6606, 1989
The terrestrial ring current: Origin, formation, and decay
IA Daglis, RM Thorne, W Baumjohann, S Orsini
Reviews of Geophysics 37 (4), 407-438, 1999
Electron-scale measurements of magnetic reconnection in space
JL Burch, RB Torbert, TD Phan, LJ Chen, TE Moore, RE Ergun, ...
Science 352 (6290), aaf2939, 2016
Advanced Space Plasma Physics
RA Treumann, W Baumjohann
Imperial College Press, 1997
Braking of high‐speed flows in the near‐Earth tail
K Shiokawa, W Baumjohann, G Haerendel
Geophysical research letters 24 (10), 1179-1182, 1997
The magnetopause for large magnetic shear: AMPTE/IRM observations
G Paschmann, I Papamastorakis, W Baumjohann, N Sckopke, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 91 (A10), 11099-11115, 1986
The FIELDS instrument suite on MMS: Scientific objectives, measurements, and data products
RB Torbert, CT Russell, W Magnes, RE Ergun, PA Lindqvist, O LeContel, ...
Space Science Reviews 199, 105-135, 2016
Current understanding of magnetic storms: Storm‐substorm relationships
Y Kamide, W Baumjohann, IA Daglis, WD Gonzalez, M Grande, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics (1978–2012) 103 (A8), 17705-17728, 1998
Motion of the dipolarization front during a flow burst event observed by Cluster
R Nakamura, W Baumjohann, B Klecker, Y Bogdanova, A Balogh, ...
Geophysical research letters 29 (20), 3-1-3-4, 2002
The magnetosheath region adjacent to the dayside magnetopause: AMPTE/IRM observations
TD Phan, G Paschmann, W Baumjohann, N Sckopke, H Lühr
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics (1978–2012) 99 (A1), 121-141, 1994
Spatial scale of high‐speed flows in the plasma sheet observed by Cluster
R Nakamura, W Baumjohann, C Mouikis, LM Kistler, A Runov, M Volwerk, ...
Geophysical research letters 31 (9), 2004
Current sheet structure near magnetic X‐line observed by Cluster
A Runov, R Nakamura, W Baumjohann, RA Treumann, TL Zhang, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 30 (11), 2003
CHEOPS: A transit photometry mission for ESA's small mission programme
C Broeg, A Fortier, D Ehrenreich, Y Alibert, W Baumjohann, W Benz, ...
EPJ Web of Conferences 47, 03005, 2013
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