Adriano C. M. Pereira
Cited by
Cited by
Stock market's price movement prediction with LSTM neural networks
DMQ Nelson, ACM Pereira, RA De Oliveira
2017 International joint conference on neural networks (IJCNN), 1419-1426, 2017
Current approaches to the use of artificial intelligence for injury risk assessment and performance prediction in team sports: a systematic review
JG Claudino, DO Capanema, TV de Souza, JC Serrão, ...
Sports medicine-open 5, 1-12, 2019
Safety and efficacy of once-daily risdiplam in type 2 and non-ambulant type 3 spinal muscular atrophy (SUNFISH part 2): a phase 3, double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled …
E Mercuri, N Deconinck, ES Mazzone, A Nascimento, M Oskoui, K Saito, ...
The Lancet Neurology 21 (1), 42-52, 2022
A customized classification algorithm for credit card fraud detection
AGC de Sá, ACM Pereira, GL Pappa
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 72, 21-29, 2018
A comparative study of machine translation for multilingual sentence-level sentiment analysis
M Araújo, A Pereira, F Benevenuto
Information Sciences 512, 1078-1102, 2020
An evaluation of machine translation for multilingual sentence-level sentiment analysis
M Araujo, J Reis, A Pereira, F Benevenuto
Proceedings of the 31st annual ACM symposium on applied computing, 1140-1145, 2016
Indústria 4.0: conceitos e perspectivas para o Brasil
A Pereira, E de Oliveira Simonetto
Revista da Universidade Vale do Rio Verde 16 (1), 2018
Evaluation of appendicitis risk prediction models in adults with suspected appendicitis
Journal of British Surgery 107 (1), 73-86, 2020
Multi-armed bandits in recommendation systems: A survey of the state-of-the-art and future directions
N Silva, H Werneck, T Silva, ACM Pereira, L Rocha
Expert Systems with Applications 197, 116669, 2022
Chatbot design approaches for fashion E-commerce: an interdisciplinary review
A Landim, AM Pereira, T Vieira, E de B. Costa, JAB Moura, V Wanick, ...
International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education 15 (2 …, 2022
Outcomes from elective colorectal cancer surgery during the SARS‐CoV‐2 pandemic
COVIDSurg Collaborative, JC Glasbey, D Nepogodiev, JFF Simoes, ...
Colorectal Disease 23 (3), 732-749, 2021
Proceedings of the 3rd IPLeiria’s International Health Congress: Leiria, Portugal. 6-7 May 2016
CC Tomás, E Oliveira, D Sousa, M Uba-Chupel, G Furtado, C Rocha, ...
BMC Health Services Research 16, 111-242, 2016
The pure cold-start problem: A deep study about how to conquer first-time users in recommendations domains
N Silva, D Carvalho, ACM Pereira, F Mourão, L Rocha
Information Systems 80, 1-12, 2019
DOD-ETL: distributed on-demand ETL for near real-time business intelligence
GV Machado, Í Cunha, ACM Pereira, LB Oliveira
Journal of Internet Services and Applications 10 (1), 21, 2019
Genome-wide association analysis and Mendelian randomization proteomics identify drug targets for heart failure
D Rasooly, GM Peloso, AC Pereira, H Dashti, C Giambartolomei, ...
Nature Communications 14 (1), 3826, 2023
Immune hemolytic anemia and renal failure associated with rifampicin-dependent antibodies with anti-I specificity
A Pereira, C Sanz, F Cervantes, R Castillo
Annals of hematology 63 (1), 56-58, 1991
Fraud analysis and prevention in e-commerce transactions
E Caldeira, G Brandao, ACM Pereira
2014 9th Latin American Web Congress, 42-49, 2014
Beating the stock market with a deep reinforcement learning day trading system
L Conegundes, ACM Pereira
2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-8, 2020
Fusing audio, textual, and visual features for sentiment analysis of news videos
M Pereira, F Pádua, A Pereira, F Benevenuto, D Dalip
Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 10 …, 2016
Exploiting temporal contexts in text classification
L Rocha, F Mourão, A Pereira, MA Gonçalves, W Meira Jr
Proceedings of the 17th ACM conference on Information and knowledge …, 2008
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Articles 1–20