Sanja Danilovic
Sanja Danilovic
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SUNRISE: instrument, mission, data, and first results
SK Solanki, P Barthol, S Danilovic, A Feller, A Gandorfer, J Hirzberger, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 723 (2), L127, 2010
STiC: A multiatom non-LTE PRD inversion code for full-Stokes solar observations
J de la Cruz Rodriguez, J Leenaarts, S Danilovic, H Uitenbroek
Astronomy & Astrophysics 623, A74, 2019
The intensity contrast of solar granulation: comparing Hinode SP results with MHD simulations
S Danilovic, A Gandorfer, A Lagg, M Schüssler, SK Solanki, A Vögler, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 484 (3), L17-L20, 2008
The second flight of the SUNRISE balloon-borne solar observatory: overview of instrument updates, the flight, the data, and first results
SK Solanki, TL Riethmüller, P Barthol, S Danilovic, W Deutsch, HP Doerr, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 229 (1), 2, 2017
Probing quiet Sun magnetism using MURaM simulations and Hinode/SP results: support for a local dynamo
S Danilovic, M Schüssler, SK Solanki
Astronomy & Astrophysics 513, A1, 2010
Solar ultraviolet bursts
PR Young, H Tian, H Peter, RJ Rutten, CJ Nelson, Z Huang, B Schmieder, ...
Space Science Reviews 214, 1-39, 2018
Transverse component of the magnetic field in the solar photosphere observed by SUNRISE
S Danilovic, B Beeck, A Pietarila, M Schüssler, SK Solanki, VM Pillet, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 723 (2), L149, 2010
Turbulent magnetic fields in the quiet Sun: implications of Hinode observations and small-scale dynamo simulations
JP Graham, S Danilovic, M Schüssler
The Astrophysical Journal 693 (2), 1728, 2009
Vigorous convection in a sunspot granular light bridge
A Lagg, SK Solanki, M Van Noort, S Danilovic
Astronomy & Astrophysics 568, A60, 2014
The European Solar Telescope
CQ Noda, R Schlichenmaier, LRB Rubio, MG Löfdahl, E Khomenko, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 666, A21, 2022
Three-dimensional modeling of chromospheric spectral lines in a simulated active region
JP Bjørgen, J Leenaarts, M Rempel, MCM Cheung, S Danilovic, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 631, A33, 2019
Structure and dynamics of isolated internetwork Ca II H bright points observed by SUNRISE
S Jafarzadeh, SK Solanki, A Feller, A Lagg, A Pietarila, S Danilovic, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 549, A116, 2013
Simulating Ellerman bomb-like events
S Danilovic
Astronomy & Astrophysics 601, A122, 2017
Magnetic field intensification: comparison of 3D MHD simulations with Hinode/SP results
S Danilovic, M Schüssler, SK Solanki
Astronomy & Astrophysics 509, A76, 2010
Probing the physics of the solar atmosphere with the Multi-slit Solar Explorer (MUSE). I. Coronal heating
B De Pontieu, P Testa, J Martínez-Sykora, P Antolin, K Karampelas, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 926 (1), 52, 2022
On the structure and dynamics of Ellerman bombs-Detailed study of three events and modelling of Hα
NB González, S Danilovic, F Kneer
Astronomy & Astrophysics 557, A102, 2013
Chromospheric condensations and magnetic field in a C3. 6-class flare studied via He I D3 spectro-polarimetry
T Libbrecht, J de la Cruz Rodríguez, S Danilovic, J Leenaarts, H Pazira
Astronomy & Astrophysics 621, A35, 2019
High-frequency oscillations in small magnetic elements observed with sunrise/SuFI
S Jafarzadeh, SK Solanki, M Stangalini, O Steiner, RH Cameron, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 229 (1), 10, 2017
Point spread function of SDO/HMI and the effects of stray light correction on the apparent properties of solar surface phenomena
KL Yeo, A Feller, SK Solanki, S Couvidat, S Danilovic, NA Krivova
Astronomy & Astrophysics 561, A22, 2014
Probing the physics of the solar atmosphere with the multi-slit solar explorer (MUSE). II. flares and eruptions
MCM Cheung, J Martínez-Sykora, P Testa, B De Pontieu, G Chintzoglou, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 926 (1), 53, 2022
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