Robin Baurès
Robin Baurès
UT3 Professor, Cerco (CNRS-UT3), TMBI (Univ. Toulouse)
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Eye movements influence estimation of time-to-contact in prediction motion
SJ Bennett, R Baures, H Hecht, N Benguigui
Experimental brain research 206, 399-407, 2010
Motion prediction and the velocity effect in children
N Benguigui, MP Broderick, R Baures, MA Amorim
British Journal of Developmental Psychology 26 (3), 389-407, 2008
Intercepting free falling objects: better use Occam’s razor than internalize Newton’s law
R Baurès, N Benguigui, MA Amorim, IA Siegler
Vision research 47 (23), 2982-2991, 2007
Judging the contact-times of multiple objects: Evidence for asymmetric interference
R Baurès, D Oberfeld, H Hecht
Acta psychologica 134 (3), 363-371, 2010
Effects of hand configuration on muscle force coordination, co-contraction and concomitant intermuscular coupling during maximal isometric flexion of the fingers
C Charissou, D Amarantini, R Baurès, E Berton, L Vigouroux
European journal of applied physiology 117, 2309-2320, 2017
Event-based trajectory prediction using spiking neural networks
G Debat, T Chauhan, BR Cottereau, T Masquelier, M Paindavoine, ...
Frontiers in computational neuroscience 15, 658764, 2021
The effect of body posture on long-range time-to-contact estimation
R Baurès, H Hecht
Perception 40 (6), 674-681, 2011
Temporal-range estimation of multiple objects: Evidence for an early bottleneck
R Baurès, D Oberfeld, H Hecht
Acta psychologica 137 (1), 76-82, 2011
Visuomotor delay in interceptive actions
N Benguigui, R Baurès, C Le Runigo
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (2), 200-201, 2008
Arrival-time judgments on multiple-lane streets: The failure to ignore irrelevant traffic
R Baurès, D Oberfeld, I Tournier, H Hecht, V Cavallo
Accident Analysis & Prevention 65, 72-84, 2014
Time‐to‐contact perception in the brain
R Baurès, M Fourteau, S Thébault, C Gazard, L Pasquio, G Meneghini, ...
Journal of Neuroscience Research 99 (2), 455-466, 2021
Availability of attention affects time-to-contact estimation
R Baurès, F Maquestiaux, PR DeLucia, A Defer, E Prigent
Experimental Brain Research 236, 1971-1984, 2018
Asymmetric interference in concurrent time-to-contact estimation: Cousin or twin of the psychological refractory period effect?
R Baurès, PR DeLucia, M Olson, D Oberfeld
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 79, 698-711, 2017
Temporal estimation with two moving objects: overt and covert pursuit
R Baurès, SJ Bennett, J Causer
Experimental brain research 233, 253-261, 2015
Age-correlated incremental consideration of velocity information in relative time-to-arrival judgments
B Keshavarz, K Landwehr, R Baurès, D Oberfeld, H Hecht, N Benguigui
Ecological Psychology 22 (3), 212-221, 2010
Visual discrimination thresholds for time to arrival
K Landwehr, R Baurès, D Oberfeld, H Hecht
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 75, 1465-1472, 2013
The detrimental influence of attention on time-to-contact perception
R Baurès, M Balestra, M Rosito, R VanRullen
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 80 (6), 1591-1598, 2018
Continuous response monitoring of relative time-to-contact judgments: does effective information change during an approach event?
PR DeLucia, M Meza-Arroyo, R Baurès, M Ranjit, S Hsiang, JC Gorman
Ecological Psychology 28 (1), 1-22, 2016
Intercepting real and simulated falling objects: What is the difference?
R Baurès, N Benguigui, MA Amorim, H Hecht
Journal of neuroscience methods 184 (1), 48-53, 2009
Predicting where a ball will land: from thrower’s body language to ball’s motion
E Prigent, C Hansen, R Baurès, C Darracq, MA Amorim
Experimental brain research 233, 567-576, 2015
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