Adrian Mos
Adrian Mos
Senior Research Scientist and Group Lead Systemic AI, Naver Labs Europe
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Architecture-based autonomous repair management: An application to j2ee clusters
S Bouchenak, F Boyer, D Hagimont, S Krakowiak, A Mos, N De Palma, ...
24th IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS'05), 13-24, 2005
Automatic performance management in component based software systems
A Diaconescu, A Mos, J Murphy
International Conference on Autonomic Computing, 2004. Proceedings., 214-221, 2004
Non-intrusive end-to-end runtime path tracing for J2EE systems
T Parsons, A Mos, J Murphy
IEE Proceedings-Software 153 (4), 149-161, 2006
Performance management in component-oriented systems using a Model Driven Architecture/spl trade/approach
A Mos, J Murphy
Proceedings. Sixth International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing …, 2002
A framework for performance monitoring, modelling and prediction of component oriented distributed systems
A Mos, J Murphy
Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Software and Performance …, 2002
Extracting interactions in component-based systems
T Parsons, A Mos, M Trofin, T Gschwind, J Murphy
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 34 (6), 783-799, 2008
Performance monitoring of Java component-oriented distributed applications
A Mos, J Murphy
Proc. IEEE 9th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and …, 2001
COMPAS: Adaptive performance monitoring of component-based systems
A Mos, J Murphy
Proceedings of 2 nd ICSE Workshop on Remote Analysis and Measurement of …, 2004
Multi-level monitoring and analysis of web-scale service based applications
A Mos, C Pedrinaci, GA Rey, JM Gomez, D Liu, G Vaudaux-Ruth, ...
Service-Oriented Computing. ICSOC/ServiceWave 2009 Workshops: International …, 2010
Multi-layer perspectives and spaces in SOA
A Mos, A Boulze, S Quaireau, C Meynier
Proceedings of the 2nd international workshop on Systems development in SOA …, 2008
Deployment of business processes in service-oriented architecture environments
T Jacquin, A Mos
US Patent 9,021,420, 2015
A framework for adaptive monitoring and performance management of component-based enterprise applications
A Mos
Dublin City University, 2004
Business matter experts do matter: a model-driven approach for domain specific process design and monitoring
A Mos, M Cortes-Cornax
Business Process Management Forum: BPM Forum 2016, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil …, 2016
Monitoring of business processes and services using concept probes and business process probes
AC Mos
US Patent App. 13/963,240, 2015
Flexible SOA lifecycle on the cloud using SCA
C Ruz, F Baude, B Sauvan, A Mos, A Boulze
2011 IEEE 15th International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing …, 2011
Human task monitoring and contextual analysis for domain specific business processes
K Suri, A Mos
arXiv preprint arXiv:1610.05788, 2016
Empowering business users to model and execute business processes
F Schnabel, Y Gorronogoitia, M Radzimski, F Lécué, N Mehandjiev, ...
International Conference on Business Process Management, 433-448, 2010
Domain-specific business objects for process design
MC Cornax, AC Mos
US Patent App. 15/407,546, 2018
Domain specific monitoring of business processes using concept probes
A Mos
Service-Oriented Computing-ICSOC 2014 Workshops: WESOA; SeMaPS, RMSOC, KASA …, 2015
Self-manageable replicated servers
C Taton, S Bouchenak, F Boyer, N De Palma, D Hagimont, A Mos
Implementation, and Deployment of Database Replication 55, 2005
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Articles 1–20