Jennifer Mueller
Cited by
Cited by
Affect and creativity at work
TM Amabile, SG Barsade, JS Mueller, BM Staw
Administrative science quarterly 50 (3), 367-403, 2005
The bias against creativity: Why people desire but reject creative ideas
JS Mueller, S Melwani, JA Goncalo
Psychological science 23 (1), 13-17, 2012
Academic-practitioner collaboration in management research: A case of cross-profession collaboration
TM Amabile, C Patterson, J Mueller, T Wojcik, PW Odomirok, M Marsh, ...
Academy of management journal 44 (2), 418-431, 2001
Does perceived unfairness exacerbate or mitigate interpersonal counterproductive work behaviors related to envy?
Y Cohen-Charash, JS Mueller
Journal of applied psychology 92 (3), 666, 2007
Consensual assessment
BA Hennessey
Encyclopedia of creativity/Academic, 1999
Studying creativity, its processes, and its antecedents: An exploration of the componential theory of creativity
TM Amabile, JS Mueller
Handbook of organizational creativity, 33-64, 2024
Why seeking help from teammates is a blessing and a curse: a theory of help seeking and individual creativity in team contexts.
JS Mueller, D Kamdar
Journal of Applied Psychology 96 (2), 263, 2011
Time pressure and creativity in organizations: A longitudinal field study
TM Amabile, JS Mueller, WB Simpson, CN Hadley, SJ Kramer, L Fleming
Harvard Business School 27, 2002
Why individuals in larger teams perform worse
JS Mueller
Organizational behavior and human decision processes 117 (1), 111-124, 2012
Linguistic bases of social perception
DS Berry, JW Pennebaker, JS Mueller, WS Hiller
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 23 (5), 526-537, 1997
Reframing the decision-makers’ dilemma: Towards a social context model of creative idea recognition
J Mueller, S Melwani, J Loewenstein, JJ Deal
Academy of Management Journal 61 (1), 94-110, 2018
The influence of daily conflict on perceptions of creativity: A longitudinal study.
TR Kurtzberg, JS Mueller
International Journal of Conflict Management 16 (4), 2005
Recognizing creative leadership: Can creative idea expression negatively relate to perceptions of leadership potential?
JS Mueller, JA Goncalo, D Kamdar
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 47 (2), 494-498, 2011
Emotional intelligence and counterpart mood induction in a negotiation
JS Mueller, JR Curhan
International journal of conflict management 17 (2), 110-128, 2006
Construing creativity: The how and why of recognizing creative ideas
JS Mueller, CJ Wakslak, V Krishnan
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 51, 81-87, 2014
Spouses’ social control of health behaviors: Use and effectiveness of specific strategies
JS Tucker, JS Mueller
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 26 (9), 1120-1130, 2000
Looking down: The influence of contempt and compassion on emergent leadership categorizations.
S Melwani, JS Mueller, JR Overbeck
Journal of Applied Psychology 97 (6), 1171, 2012
Implicit theories of creative ideas: How culture guides creativity assessments
J Loewenstein, J Mueller
Academy of Management Discoveries 2 (4), 320-348, 2016
The cost of collaboration: Why joint decision making exacerbates rejection of outside information
JA Minson, JS Mueller
Psychological Science 23 (3), 219-224, 2012
Are male leaders penalized for seeking help? The influence of gender and asking behaviors on competence perceptions
AS Rosette, JS Mueller, RD Lebel
The Leadership Quarterly 26 (5), 749-762, 2015
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Articles 1–20