Karsten Hank
Karsten Hank
Professor of Sociology, University of Cologne
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Grandparents caring for their grandchildren
K Hank, I Buber
Journal of Family Issues 30 (1), 53-73, 2009
Proximity and contacts between older parents and their children: A European comparison
K Hank
Journal of Marriage and Family 69 (1), 157-173, 2007
A multilevel analysis of child care and women's fertility decisions in Western Germany
K Hank, M Kreyenfeld
Journal of Marriage and Family 65 (3), 584-596, 2003
Does the availability of child care influence the employment of mothers? Findings from western Germany
M Kreyenfeld, K Hank
Population Research and Policy Review 19 (4), 317-337, 2000
The participation of older Europeans in volunteer work
M Erlinghagen, K Hank
Ageing and Society 26 (04), 567-584, 2006
A new comprehensive and international view on ageing: introducing the ‘Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe’
A Börsch-Supan, K Hank, H Jürges
European Journal of Ageing 2 (4), 245-253, 2005
Gendering family composition: Sex preferences for children and childbearing behavior in the Nordic countries
G Andersson, K Hank, M Rønsen, A Vikat
Demography 43 (2), 255-267, 2006
Gender preferences for children in Europe: empirical results from 17 FFS countries
K Hank, HP Kohler
Demographic Research 2 (1), 255-267, 2000
Grandparents caring for grandchildren in China and Korea: Findings from CHARLS and KLoSA
PC Ko, K Hank
The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social …, 2014
How “successful” do older Europeans age? Findings from SHARE
K Hank
The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social …, 2011
The German Family Panel (pairfam). GESIS Data Archive, Cologne. ZA5678 Data file Version 11.0. 0
J Brüderl, S Drobnič, K Hank, B Nauck, FJ Neyer, S Walper, P Alt, ...
GESIS Data Archive, 2020
Kinderbetreuung und Fertilität in Deutschland
K Hank, M Kreyenfeld, CK Spieß
Zeitschrift für Soziologie 33 (3), 228-244, 2004
Volunteer work, informal help, and care among the 50+ in Europe: Further evidence for ‘linked’productive activities at older ages
K Hank, S Stuck
Social Science Research 37 (4), 1280-1291, 2008
The virus changed everything, didn’t it? Couples’ division of housework and childcare before and during the Corona crisis
K Hank, A Steinbach
Journal of Family Research 33 (1), 99-114, 2021
Tracing the origins of successful aging: The role of childhood conditions and social inequality in explaining later life health
M Brandt, C Deindl, K Hank
Social Science & Medicine, 2012
Dynamics of volunteering in older Europeans
K Hank, M Erlinghagen
The Gerontologist 50 (2), 170-178, 2010
Changes in employment and relationship satisfaction in times of the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from the German Family Panel
L Schmid, J Wörn, K Hank, B Sawatzki, S Walper
European Societies 23, S743-S758, 2021
Do child-care characteristics influence continued child bearing in Sweden? An investigation of the quantity, quality, and price dimension
G Andersson, AZ Duvander, K Hank
Journal of European Social Policy 14 (4), 407-418, 2004
Regional social contexts and individual fertility decisions: A multilevel analysis of first and second births in Western Germany
K Hank
European Journal of Population/Revue Européenne de Démographie 18 (3), 281-299, 2002
The social connectedness of older Europeans: patterns, dynamics and contexts
M Kohli, K Hank, H Künemund
Journal of European Social Policy 19 (4), 327-340, 2009
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