Tobias S Kaiser
Cited by
Cited by
The First Myriapod Genome Sequence Reveals Conservative Arthropod Gene Content and Genome Organisation in the Centipede Strigamia maritima
AD Chipman, DEK Ferrier, C Brena, J Qu, DST Hughes, R Schröder, ...
PLoS biology 12 (11), e1002005, 2014
The genomic basis of circadian and circalunar timing adaptations in a midge
TS Kaiser, B Poehn, D Szkiba, M Preussner, FJ Sedlazeck, A Zrim, ...
Nature 540 (7631), 69-73, 2016
Analyzing the effect of stepping stones on target patch colonisation in structured landscapes for Eurasian lynx
S Kramer-Schadt, T S Kaiser, K Frank, T Wiegand
Landscape ecology 26, 501-513, 2011
Timing the tides: Genetic control of diurnal and lunar emergence times is correlated in the marine midge Clunio marinus
TS Kaiser, D Neumann, DG Heckel
BMC genetics 12, 1-12, 2011
Genetic Architecture of Local Adaptation in Lunar and Diurnal Emergence Times of the Marine Midge Clunio marinus (Chironomidae, Diptera)
TS Kaiser, DG Heckel
PLoS One 7 (2), e32092, 2012
Strong genetic differentiation and postglacial origin of populations in the marine midge Clunio marinus (Chironomidae, Diptera)
TS Kaiser, D Neumann, DG Heckel, TU Berendonk
Molecular Ecology 19 (14), 2845-2857, 2010
Circalunar clocks - old experiments for a new era
TS Kaiser, J Neumann
BioEssays, 2021
Timing strains of the marine insect Clunio marinus diverged and persist with gene flow
TS Kaiser, A von Haeseler, K Tessmar‐Raible, DG Heckel
Molecular Ecology 30 (5), 1264-1280, 2021
Polygenic adaptation from standing genetic variation allows rapid ecotype formation
N Fuhrmann, C Prakash, TS Kaiser
eLife 12 (e82824), 2023
Developmental and sexual divergence in the olfactory system of the marine insect Clunio marinus
C Missbach, H Vogel, BS Hansson, E Große-Wilde, A Vilcinskas, ...
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 1-17, 2020
The importance of DNA barcode choice in biogeographic analyses — a case study on marine midges of the genus Clunio
N Fuhrmann, TS Kaiser
Genome 64 (3), 242-252, 2021
Local adaptations of circalunar and circadian clocks: the case of Clunio marinus.
TS Kaiser
Annual, Lunar and Tidal Clocks - Patterns and Mechanisms of Nature's …, 2014
Genetic architecture of local adaptation in lunar and diurnal emergence times of the marine midge
TS Kaiser, DG Heckel
Clunio marinus, 0
An oligogenic architecture underlying ecological and reproductive divergence in sympatric populations
D Brisevac, CM Peralta, TS Kaiser
eLife 12 (e82825), 2023
Isolation of 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci in the marine midge Clunio marinus (Chironomidae, Diptera) and their efficient characterization by heteroduplex analysis
TS Kaiser, DG Heckel
Molecular Ecology Resources 9 (1), 195-198, 2009
Lunar and Tidal Rhythms and Clocks
J Neumann, TS Kaiser
Insect Chronobiology, 203-227, 2023
Genetic analysis of a phenotypic loss in the mechanosensory entrainment of a circalunar clock
D Briševac, C Prakash, TS Kaiser
PLoS Genetics 19 (6), e1010763, 2023
How Light at Night Sets the Circalunar Clock in the Marine Midge Clunio marinus
CM Peralta, E Feunteun, J Guillaudeau, D Briševac, TS Kaiser
Journal of Biological Rhythms, 07487304241286936, 2024
The Free-Running Circasemilunar Period Is Determined by Counting Circadian Clock Cycles in the Marine Midge Clunio Marinus
J Neumann, D Rajendra, TS Kaiser
Journal of Biological Rhythms, 07487304241249516, 2024
A comparison of COI barcodes, whole mitochondrial genomes and nuclear genomes in detecting post-glacial radiation of a midge
N Fuhrmann, TS Kaiser
8th International Barcode of Life Conference 2019, 375-375, 2019
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Articles 1–20