Irene Tiemann Boege
Irene Tiemann Boege
Assist. Prof. of Biophysics, Johannes Kepler University, Linz
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Advancing age has differential effects on DNA damage, chromatin integrity, gene mutations, and aneuploidies in sperm
AJ Wyrobek, B Eskenazi, S Young, N Arnheim, I Tiemann-Boege, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (25), 9601-9606, 2006
Crossovers are associated with mutation and biased gene conversion at recombination hotspots
B Arbeithuber, AJ Betancourt, T Ebner, I Tiemann-Boege
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (7), 2109-2114, 2015
The observed human sperm mutation frequency cannot explain the achondroplasia paternal age effect
I Tiemann-Boege, W Navidi, R Grewal, D Cohn, B Eskenazi, AJ Wyrobek, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99 (23), 14952-14957, 2002
Mammalian meiotic recombination hot spots
N Arnheim, P Calabrese, I Tiemann-Boege
Annu. Rev. Genet. 41 (1), 369-399, 2007
Molecular phylogenetics of the Peromyscus boylii species group (Rodentia: Muridae) based on mitochondrial cytochrome b sequences
I Tiemann-Boege, CW Kilpatrick, DJ Schmidly, RD Bradley
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 16 (3), 366-378, 2000
High-resolution recombination patterns in a region of human chromosome 21 measured by sperm typing
I Tiemann-Boege, P Calabrese, DM Cochran, R Sokol, N Arnheim
PLoS genetics 2 (5), e70, 2006
The molecular anatomy of spontaneous germline mutations in human testes
J Qin, P Calabrese, I Tiemann-Boege, DN Shinde, SR Yoon, D Gelfand, ...
PLoS biology 5 (9), e224, 2007
Artifactual mutations resulting from DNA lesions limit detection levels in ultrasensitive sequencing applications
B Arbeithuber, KD Makova, I Tiemann-Boege
Dna Research 23 (6), 547-559, 2016
New evidence for positive selection helps explain the paternal age effect observed in achondroplasia
TBI Shinde DN, Elmer DP, Calabrese P, Boulanger J, Arnheim N
Human Molecular Genetics 22 (20), 4117-26, 2013
Evaluating the evidence for transmission distortion in human pedigrees
WK Meyer, B Arbeithuber, C Ober, T Ebner, I Tiemann-Boege, ...
Genetics 191 (1), 215-232, 2012
Taxonomic Status of Peromyscus Boylii Sacarensis: Inferences from DNA Sequences of the Mitochondrial Cytochrome-b Gene
RD Bradley, I Tiemann-Boege, CW Kilpatrick, DJ Schmidly
Journal of Mammalogy 81 (3), 875-884, 2000
The consequences of sequence erosion in the evolution of recombination hotspots
I Tiemann-Boege, T Schwarz, Y Striedner, A Heissl
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 372 …, 2017
LDJump: Estimating variable recombination rates from population genetic data
P Hermann, A Heissl, I Tiemann‐Boege, A Futschik
Molecular ecology resources 19 (3), 623-638, 2019
The long zinc finger domain of PRDM9 forms a highly stable and long-lived complex with its DNA recognition sequence
Y Striedner, T Schwarz, T Welte, A Futschik, U Rant, I Tiemann-Boege
Chromosome Research 25, 155-172, 2017
High-throughput genotyping with TaqMan allelic discrimination and allele-specific genotyping assays
A Heissl, B Arbeithuber, I Tiemann-Boege
Genotyping: Methods and Protocols, 29-57, 2017
Product length, dye choice, and detection chemistry in the bead-emulsion amplification of millions of single DNA molecules in parallel
I Tiemann-Boege, C Curtis, DN Shinde, DB Goodman, S Tavare, ...
Analytical chemistry 81 (14), 5770-5776, 2009
Massively parallel haplotyping on microscopic beads for the high-throughput phase analysis of single molecules
J Boulanger, L Muresan, I Tiemann-Boege
PLoS One 7 (4), e36064, 2012
Water transport through the intestinal epithelial barrier under different osmotic conditions is dependent on LI-cadherin trans-interaction
A Weth, C Dippl, Y Striedner, I Tiemann-Boege, Y Vereshchaga, ...
Tissue Barriers 5 (2), e1285390, 2017
High prevalence of somatic PIK3CA and TP53 pathogenic variants in the normal mammary gland tissue of sporadic breast cancer patients revealed by duplex …
A Kostecka, T Nowikiewicz, P Olszewski, M Koczkowska, M Horbacz, ...
NPJ Breast Cancer 8 (1), 76, 2022
Discovery of an unusually high number of de novo mutations in sperm of older men using duplex sequencing
R Salazar, B Arbeithuber, M Ivankovic, M Heinzl, S Moura, I Hartl, T Mair, ...
Genome Research 32 (3), 499-511, 2022
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Articles 1–20