Ronan Amorim
Ronan Amorim
PhD in Computer Science, University of Calgary
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Comparing CUDA and OpenGL implementations for a Jacobi iteration
R Amorim, G Haase, M Liebmann, RW Dos Santos
2009 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation, 22-32, 2009
Accelerating cardiac excitation spread simulations using graphics processing units
BM Rocha, FO Campos, RM Amorim, G Plank, RW Santos, M Liebmann, ...
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 23 (7), 708-720, 2011
Sketch modeling of seismic horizons from uncertainty
R Amorim, EV Brazil, D Patel, MC Sousa
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Sketch-based interfaces and …, 2012
Comparing CUDA, OpenCL and OpenGL implementations of the cardiac monodomain equations
R Sachetto Oliveira, BM Rocha, RM Amorim, FO Campos, W Meira, ...
Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics: 9th International Conference …, 2012
3D geological modeling using sketches and annotations from geologic maps
R Amorim, EV Brazil, F Samavati, MC Sousa
Proceedings of the 4th joint symposium on computational aesthetics, non …, 2014
A transformation tool for ODE based models
CB Barbosa, RW dos Santos, RM Amorim, LN Ciuffo, F Manfroi, ...
Computational Science–ICCS 2006: 6th International Conference, Reading, UK …, 2006
Rapid reservoir modeling: prototyping of reservoir models, well trajectories and development options using an intuitive, sketch-based interface
MDD Jackson, GJJ Hampson, D Rood, S Geiger, Z Zhang, MCC Sousa, ...
SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference?, D031S010R002, 2015
Solving the cardiac bidomain equations using graphics processing units
RM Amorim, RW dos Santos
Journal of Computational Science 4 (5), 370-376, 2013
Automatic code generation for solvers of cardiac cellular membrane dynamics in GPUs
RM Amorim, BM Rocha, FO Campos, RW Dos Santos
2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2010
3D heart modeling with cellular automata, mass-spring system and CUDA
RS Campos, RM Amorim, BL de Oliveira, BM Rocha, J Sundnes, ...
Parallel Computing Technologies: 12th International Conference, PaCT 2013 …, 2013
Interactive sketch-based estimation of stimulated volume in unconventional reservoirs using microseismic data
Y Hajizadeh, R Amorim, N Boroumand, EV Brazil, D Eaton, MC Sousa
ECMOR XIII-13th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, cp …, 2012
An electro-mechanical cardiac simulator based on cellular automata and mass-spring models
RM Amorim, RS Campos, M Lobosco, C Jacob, RW dos Santos
Cellular Automata: 10th International Conference on Cellular Automata for …, 2012
Approaching cardiac modeling challenges to computer science with CellML-based web tools
RS Campos, RM Amorim, CM Costa, BL de Oliveira, C de Barros Barbosa, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 26 (3), 462-470, 2010
Sketch-based adaptive mesh augmentation using stellar operators
A Paiva, R Amorim, L Velho, MC Sousa
2011 24th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images, 78-85, 2011
Sketch-based modeling and adaptive meshes
EV Brazil, R Amorim, MC Sousa, L Velho, LH de Figueiredo
Computers & Graphics 52, 116-128, 2015
Exploratory visual modeling and analysis of microseismic events
AE Mostafa, R Amorim, EV Brazil, D Eaton, S Carpendale, E Sharlin, ...
Proceedings of GeoConvention, 2012
A computational framework for cardiac modeling based on distributed computing and web applications
DMS Martins, FO Campos, LN Ciuffo, RS Oliveira, RM Amorim, VF Vieira, ...
High Performance Computing for Computational Science-VECPAR 2006: 7th …, 2007
A sketch-based modeling framework based on adaptive meshes
EV Brazil, R Amorim, MC Sousa, L Velho, LH De Figueiredo
2014 27th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images, 17-24, 2014
Performance evaluation of a reservoir simulator on a multi-core cluster
CR Xavier, EP dos Santos Amorim, RM Amorim, M Lobosco, P Goldfeld, ...
Computational Science and Its Applications–ICCSA 2010: International …, 2010
Geo-Sketcher: Rapid 3D Geological Modeling using Geological and Topographic Map Sketches
R Amorim, EV Brazil, F Samavati, MC Sousa
arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.12152, 2023
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Articles 1–20