Thomas Persson
Thomas Persson
Associate Professor of Political Science
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Cited by
Input and output legitimacy: synergy or trade-off? Empirical evidence from an EU survey
KO Lindgren, T Persson
Journal of European Public Policy 17 (4), 449-467, 2010
Democratizing European chemicals policy: do consultations favour civil society participation?
T Persson
Journal of Civil Society 3 (3), 223-238, 2007
Does European Integration Lead to aPresidentialization'of Executive Politics? Ministerial Selection in Swedish Postwar Cabinets
H Bäck, P Dumont, HE Meier, T Persson, K Vernby
European Union Politics 10 (2), 226-252, 2009
Party size and portfolio payoffs: The proportional allocation of ministerial posts in coalition governments
H Bäck, HE Meier, T Persson
The Journal of Legislative Studies 15 (1), 10-34, 2009
Social trust, impartial administration and public confidence in EU crisis management institutions
T Persson, CF Parker, S Widmalm
Public Administration 95 (1), 97-114, 2017
The illusion of accountability in the European Union
S Gustavsson, C Karlsson, T Persson
Routledge, 2009
Normer eller nytta
T Persson
Om de politiska drivkrafterna bakom Regeringskansliets departementsindelning 293, 2003
The effectiveness of national and EU-level civil protection systems: evidence from 17 member states
CF Parker, T Persson, S Widmalm
Journal of European Public Policy 26 (9), 1312-1334, 2019
Participatory governance in the EU: enhancing or endangering democracy and efficiency?
K Lindgren, T Persson
Springer, 2011
The political dynamics of portfolio design in European democracies
U Sieberer, TM Meyer, H Bäck, A Ceron, A Falcó-Gimeno, I Guinaudeau, ...
British Journal of Political Science 51 (2), 772-787, 2021
Can overconfidence be used as an indicator of reconstructive rather than retrieval processes?
P Juslin, A Winman, T Persson
Cognition 54 (1), 99-130, 1995
In Tranquil waters: Swedish cabinet ministers in the postwar era
H Bäck, T Persson, K Vernby, H Wockelberg
The Selection of Ministers in Europe, 159-178, 2008
Civil protection cooperation in the European Union: How trust and administrative culture matter for crisis management
S Widmalm, CF Parker, T Persson
Springer, 2019
European integration and prime ministerial power: A differential impact on cabinet reshuffles in Germany and Sweden
H Bäck, HE Meier, T Persson, J Fischer
German Politics 21 (2), 184-208, 2012
The structure of conflict over EU chemicals policy
KO Lindgren, T Persson
European Union Politics 9 (1), 31-58, 2008
Assessing the effects of European Union funding of civil society organizations: money for nothing?
T Persson, K Edholm
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 56 (3), 559-575, 2018
The Alleged Opposition Deficit in European Union Politics: Myth or Reality?
C Karlsson, T Persson
Jcms: Journal of Common Market Studies 56 (4), 888-905, 2018
Civil society participation and accountability
T Persson
The illusion of accountability in the European Union, 157-170, 2009
How trust in EU institutions is linked to trust in national institutions: Explaining confidence in EU governance among national-level public officials
T Persson, CF Parker, S Widmalm
European Union Politics 20 (4), 629-648, 2019
Policy coordination under minority and majority rule
T Persson
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Articles 1–20