Stefan Gindl
Stefan Gindl
Research Studios Austria Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
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Enriching semantic knowledge bases for opinion mining in big data applications
A Weichselbraun, S Gindl, A Scharl
Knowledge-based systems 69, 78-85, 2014
Extracting and grounding contextualized sentiment lexicons
A Weichselbraun, S Gindl, A Scharl
IEEE Intelligent Systems 28 (2), 39-46, 2013
Utilizing Facebook statistics in tourism demand modeling and destination marketing
I Önder, U Gunter, S Gindl
Journal of Travel Research 59 (2), 195-208, 2020
Cross-domain contextualization of sentiment lexicons
S Gindl, A Weichselbraun, A Scharl
ECAI 2010, 771-776, 2010
Exploring the predictive ability of LIKES of posts on the Facebook pages of four major city DMOs in Austria
U Gunter, I Önder, S Gindl
Tourism Economics 25 (3), 375-401, 2019
Aspect-based extraction and analysis of affective knowledge from social media streams
A Weichselbraun, S Gindl, F Fischer, S Vakulenko, A Scharl
IEEE Intelligent Systems 32 (3), 80-88, 2017
MLSA―A Multi-layered Reference Corpus for German Sentiment Analysis
S Clematide, S Gindl, M Klenner, S Petrakis, R Remus, J Ruppenhofer, ...
University of Zurich, 2012
Using games with a purpose and bootstrapping to create domain-specific sentiment lexicons
A Weichselbraun, S Gindl, A Scharl
Proceedings of the 20th ACM international conference on Information and …, 2011
A context-dependent supervised learning approach to sentiment detection in large textual databases
A Weichselbraun, S Gindl, A Scharl
Journal of Information and Data Management 1 (3), 329-329, 2010
Rule-based opinion target and aspect extraction to acquire affective knowledge
S Gindl, A Weichselbraun, A Scharl
proceedings of the 22nd international conference on world wide web, 557-564, 2013
Syntactical negation detection in clinical practice guidelines
S Gindl, K Kaiser, S Miksch
Studies in health technology and informatics 136, 187, 2008
Visualizing contextual and dynamic features of micropost streams
A Hubmann-Haidvogel, AMP Brasoveanu, A Scharl, M Sabou, S Gindl
Evaluation of different sentiment detection methods for polarity classification on web-based reviews
S Gindl, J Liegl
Proceedings of the 18th European conference on artificial intelligence, 35-43, 2008
Leveraging the wisdom of the crowds for the acquisition of multilingual language resources
A Scharl, M Sabou, S Gindl, W Rafelsberger, A Weichselbraun
Do DMOs communicate their emotional brand values? A comparison between Twitter and Facebook
L Lalicic, A Huertas, A Moreno, S Gindl, M Jabreel
Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2018: Proceedings of …, 2018
IGGSA-STEPS: Shared Task on Source and Target Extraction from Political Speeches
J Ruppenhofer, JM Struß, J Sonntag, S Gindl
Journal for Language Technology and Computational Linguistics 29 (1), 33-46, 2014
Generic high-throughput methods for multilingual sentiment detection
S Gindl, A Scharl, A Weichselbraun
4th IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies …, 2010
DMOs’ Facebook success stories: a retrospective view
L Lalicic, S Gindl
Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2018: Proceedings of …, 2018
Incremental and scalable computation of dynamic topography information landscapes
KAA Syed, M Kröll, V Sabol, S Gindl, A Scharl
Journal of Multimedia Processing and Technologies 3 (1), 49-65, 2012
Viennese wineries on Facebook: Status quo and lessons learned
L Lalicic, S Gindl
Management and Marketing of Wine Tourism Business: Theory, Practice, and …, 2019
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