Michelle Bonera
Michelle Bonera
Associate Professor (PHD) - Università degli studi di Brescia
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Think with me, or think for me? On the future role of artificial intelligence in marketing strategy formulation
T Eriksson, A Bigi, M Bonera
The TQM Journal 32 (4), 795-814, 2020
Being green: from attitude to actual consumption,
BG Miniero G., Codini A., Bonera M., Corvi E.
International Journal of Consumer Studies, 521-528, 2014
The propensity of e‐commerce usage: The influencing variables
M Bonera
Management Research Review 34 (7), 821-837, 2011
The effectiveness of advertising: a literature review
E Corvi, M Bonera
10th Global Conference on Business and Economics, 2010
The great Millennials’ trouble: leading or confused green generation? An Italian insight
M Bonera, AP Codini, G Miniero
Italian Journal of Marketing 2020 (4), 289-308, 2020
When satire is serious: how political cartoons impact a country's brand
A Bigi, K Plangger, M Bonera, CL Campbell
Journal of Public Affairs 11 (3), 148-155, 2011
Why not promote promotion for green consumption? The controversial role of regulatory focus
AP Codini, G Miniero, M Bonera
European Business Review 30 (5), 554-570, 2018
Does nationality matter in eco-behaviour?
M Bonera, E Corvi, AP Codini, R Ma
Sustainability 9 (10), 1694, 2017
Measuring hotel service quality from online consumer reviews: A proposed method
E Boon, M Bonera, A Bigi
Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2014: Proceedings of …, 2013
The vacation decision making process: Tourism in the Garda Lake
M Bonera
atti del convegno: 8TH Global conference on business & economics, Firenze, 1-19, 2008
The influence of foreigners’ buzzing on TripAdvisor ranking of restaurants in Venice: Implications for the sustainability of over-touristed heritage cities
A Ganzaroli, I De Noni, M Bonera
Current Issues in Tourism 24 (14), 2044-2058, 2021
How DMO can measure the experiences of a large territory
S Franzoni, M Bonera
Sustainability 11 (2), 492, 2019
The influence of green practices and green image on customer satisfaction and word-of-mouth in the hospitality industry
F Gasbarro, M Bonera
Sinergie Italian Journal of Management 39 (3), 231-248, 2021
Evaluating political party positioning over time: a proposed methodology
BM Bigi A., Bal A.
Journal of Public Affairs, 2015
The relevance of visual merchandising for online retailers
M Bonera, E Corvi
International Journal of Applied Behavioral Economics (IJABE) 3 (4), 1-16, 2014
Web Orientation and value chain evolution in the tourism industry
E Corvi, M Bonera
Dipartamento di Economia Aziendale. Università degli Studi di Brescia …, 2005
How are the operators in the tourism industry approaching the virtual channel
M Bonera
International Review of Business Research Papers, 157-169, 2010
Are the Italian Millennials similar or different from the US Millennials?
A Bigi, M Bonera, E Corvi
Seventh International Business Conference, 2007
Le tendenze evolutive nelle politiche di marketing e comunicazione dell’impresa aeroportuale
E Corvi, M Bonera
Proceedings of International Conference Le tendenze del marketing, Italy, 2006
Green behavior: how to encourage it
G Bertoli, M Bonera, AP Codini, E Corvi, G Miniero
Proceedings EMAC 42nd Annual Conference, 1, 2013
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