Mathieu Van Vyve
Mathieu Van Vyve
Professor of Operations Research, CORE/LIDAM, UCLouvain
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Cited by
Linear prices for non-convex electricity markets: models and algorithms
M Van Vyve
CORE, 2011
Computationally efficient MIP formulation and algorithms for European day-ahead electricity market auctions
M Madani, M Van Vyve
European Journal of Operational Research 242 (2), 580-593, 2015
Approximate extended formulations
MV Vyve, LA Wolsey
Mathematical Programming 105, 501-522, 2006
Securely solving simple combinatorial graph problems
A Aly, E Cuvelier, S Mawet, O Pereira, M Van Vyve
Financial Cryptography and Data Security: 17th International Conference, FC …, 2013
Algorithms for single-item lot-sizing problems with constant batch size
M Van Vyve
Mathematics of Operations Research 32 (3), 594-613, 2007
The continuous mixing polyhedron
M Van Vyve
Mathematics of Operations Research, 441-452, 2005
A MIP framework for non-convex uniform price day-ahead electricity auctions
M Madani, M Van Vyve
EURO Journal on Computational Optimization 5 (1), 263-284, 2017
A general heuristic for production planning problems
Y Pochet, M Van Vyve
INFORMS Journal on Computing 16 (3), 316-327, 2004
A note on the extension complexity of the knapsack polytope
S Pokutta, M Van Vyve
Operations Research Letters 41 (4), 347-350, 2013
Linear-programming extended formulations for the single-item lot-sizing problem with backlogging and constant capacity
MV Vyve
Mathematical Programming 108, 53-77, 2006
Lot-sizing with fixed charges on stocks: the convex hull
M Van Vyve, F Ortega
Discrete Optimization 1 (2), 189-203, 2004
Securely solving classical network flow problems
A Aly, M Van Vyve
Information Security and Cryptology-ICISC 2014: 17th International …, 2015
Revisiting minimum profit conditions in uniform price day-ahead electricity auctions
M Madani, M Van Vyve
European Journal of Operational Research 266 (3), 1072-1085, 2018
Solving integrated production and condition-based maintenance planning problems by MIP modeling
F Shamsaei, M Van Vyve
Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal 29, 184-202, 2017
Relaxations for two-level multi-item lot-sizing problems
M Van Vyve, LA Wolsey, H Yaman
Mathematical Programming 146, 495-523, 2014
A solution approach of production planning problems based on compact formulations for single-item lot-sizing models
M Van Vyve
Quarterly Journal of the Belgian, French and Italian Operations Research …, 2004
Practically efficient secure single-commodity multi-market auctions
A Aly, M Van Vyve
International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security, 110-129, 2016
An extended formulation of the convex recoloring problem on a tree
S Chopra, B Filipecki, K Lee, M Ryu, S Shim, M Van Vyve
Mathematical Programming 165, 529-548, 2017
Mixing MIR inequalities with two divisible coefficients
M Constantino, AJ Miller, M Van Vyve
Mathematical Programming 123 (2), 451-483, 2010
Convex hull, ip and european electricity pricing in a european power exchanges setting with efficient computation of convex hull prices
M Madani, C Ruiz, S Siddiqui, M Van Vyve
arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.00048, 2018
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Articles 1–20