faiza BELALA
faiza BELALA
Professor of Computer Science, Lire Laboratory, University of Constantine2-Abdelhamid Mehri
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Cited by
Towards a formal model for cloud computing
Z Benzadri, F Belala, C Bouanaka
Service-Oriented Computing–ICSOC 2013 Workshops: CCSA, CSB, PASCEB, SWESE …, 2014
System of systems modelling: Recent work review and a path forward
CE Dridi, Z Benzadri, F Belala
2020 International Conference on Advanced Aspects of Software Engineering …, 2020
A bigraphical model for specifying cloud-based elastic systems and their behaviour
H Sahli, N Hameurlain, F Belala
International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems 32 (6 …, 2017
A maude-based rewriting approach to model and verify cloud/fog self-adaptation and orchestration
K Khebbeb, N Hameurlain, F Belala
Journal of Systems Architecture 110, 101821, 2020
System of systems engineering: Meta-modelling perspective
CE Dridi, Z Benzadri, F Belala
2020 IEEE 15th International Conference of System of Systems Engineering …, 2020
A formal model for interaction specification and analysis in IoT applications
S Marir, F Belala, N Hameurlain
Model and Data Engineering: 8th International Conference, MEDI 2018 …, 2018
Formal modelling and verifying elasticity strategies in cloud systems
K Khebbeb, N Hameurlain, F Belala, H Sahli
IET Software 13 (1), 25-35, 2019
A BRS-based approach to model and verify cloud systems elasticity
H Sahli, F Belala, C Bouanaka
Procedia Computer Science 68, 29-41, 2015
Model-Checking Cloud Systems Using BigMC.
H Sahli, F Belala, C Bouanaka
VECoS, 25-33, 2014
Towards Formal Modeling and Verification of Context-Aware Systems.
TA Cherfia, F Belala, K Barkaoui
VECoS, 18-24, 2014
On Generating Tile System for a Software Architecture Case of a Collaborative Application Session.
C Bouanaka, A Choutri, F Belala
ICSOFT (SE), 123-128, 2007
Formalizing and simulating cross-layer elasticity strategies in Cloud systems
K Khebbeb, N Hameurlain, F Belala
Cluster Computing 23 (3), 1603-1631, 2020
A tile logic based approach for software architecture description analysis
A Choutri, F Belala, K Barkaoui
Journal of Software Engineering and Applications 3 (11), 1067-1079, 2010
Towards a fuzzy bigraphical multi agent system for cloud of clouds elasticity management
R Moudjari, Z Sahnoun, F Belala
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 102, 86-107, 2018
Verifying cloud systems using a bigraphical maude-based model checker
Z Benzadri, C Bouanaka, F Belala
Workshop on Emerging Software as a Service and Analytics 2, 3-12, 2014
AADL behavioral annex based on generalized rewriting logic
M Benammar, F Belala, F Latreche
2008 Second International Conference on Research Challenges in Information …, 2008
A formal framework for secure fog architectures: Application to guarantee reliability and availability
Z Benzadri, A Bouheroum, F Belala
International Journal of Organizational and Collective Intelligence (IJOCI …, 2021
Modeling and evaluating cross-layer elasticity strategies in cloud systems
K Khebbeb, N Hameurlain, F Belala
Model and Data Engineering: 8th International Conference, MEDI 2018 …, 2018
Big-caf: a bigraphical-generic cloud architecture framework
Z Benzadri, C Bouanaka, F Belala
International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing 8 (3), 222-240, 2017
A brs-based modeling approach for context-aware systems: A case study of smart car system
TA Cherfia, K Barkaoui, F Belala
2014 12th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing …, 2014
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Articles 1–20