M Falkner
M Falkner
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Cited by
High‐efficiency dielectric Huygens’ surfaces
M Decker, I Staude, M Falkner, J Dominguez, DN Neshev, I Brener, ...
Advanced Optical Materials 3 (6), 813-820, 2015
Chiral metamaterial composed of three-dimensional plasmonic nanostructures
C Helgert, E Pshenay-Severin, M Falkner, C Menzel, C Rockstuhl, ...
Nano letters 11 (10), 4400-4404, 2011
Chiral bilayer all-dielectric metasurfaces
K Tanaka, D Arslan, S Fasold, M Steinert, J Sautter, M Falkner, T Pertsch, ...
ACS nano 14 (11), 15926-15935, 2020
Disorder-enabled pure chirality in bilayer plasmonic metasurfaces
S Fasold, S Linß, T Kawde, M Falkner, M Decker, T Pertsch, I Staude
Acs Photonics 5 (5), 1773-1778, 2018
Disorder-induced phase transitions in the transmission of dielectric metasurfaces
A Rahimzadegan, D Arslan, RNS Suryadharma, S Fasold, M Falkner, ...
Physical Review Letters 122 (1), 015702, 2019
Toward perfect optical diffusers: dielectric huygens’ metasurfaces with critical positional disorder
D Arslan, A Rahimzadegan, S Fasold, M Falkner, W Zhou, M Kroychuk, ...
Advanced Materials 34 (5), 2105868, 2022
Enhancing chemical and optical stability of silver nanostructures by low-temperature hydrogen atoms processing
M Losurdo, I Bergmair, MM Giangregorio, B Dastmalchi, GV Bianco, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116 (43), 23004-23012, 2012
Analyzing the polarization response of a chiral metasurface stack by semi-analytic modeling
J Sperrhake, M Decker, M Falkner, S Fasold, T Kaiser, I Staude, T Pertsch
Optics Express 27 (2), 1236-1248, 2019
Multi-stencil character projection e-beam lithography: a fast and flexible way for high quality optical metamaterials
U Huebner, M Falkner, UD Zeitner, M Banasch, K Dietrich, EB Kley
30th European Mask and Lithography Conference 9231, 98-106, 2014
Ultra broadband phase measurements on nanostructured metasurfaces
E Pshenay-Severin, M Falkner, C Helgert, T Pertsch
Applied Physics Letters 104 (22), 2014
Bandstructure measurement in nonlinear optical waveguide arrays
F Setzpfandt, M Falkner, T Pertsch, W Sohler, R Schiek
Applied Physics Letters 102 (8), 2013
Characterization of a circular optical nanoantenna by nonlinear photoemission electron microscopy
T Kaiser, M Falkner, J Qi, A Klein, M Steinert, C Menzel, C Rockstuhl, ...
Applied Physics B 122, 1-10, 2016
Equivalence of reflection paths of light and Feynman paths in stacked metasurfaces
J Sperrhake, M Falkner, S Fasold, T Kaiser, T Pertsch
Physical Review B 102 (24), 245108, 2020
Broadband spatio-temporal propagation characteristics of Airy plasmons
AV Singh, M Falkner, M Steinert, T Kaiser, G Isić, T Pertsch
OSA Continuum 3 (7), 1870-1878, 2020
Diffractive optical elements made from photonic metamaterials
T Pertsch, B Walther, S Fasold, M Falkner, C Menzel, I Staude, ...
Optical Systems Design 2015: Optical Design and Engineering VI 9626, 962604, 2015
Semi-analytic modeling of chiral metasurface stacks
J Sperrhake, M Decker, M Falkner, S Fasold, T Kaiser, I Staude, T Pertsch
CLEO: Science and Innovations, JTh2A. 24, 2019
Effective properties of metamaterials
C Rockstuhl, C Menzel, T Paul, E Pshenay-Severin, M Falkner, C Helgert, ...
Nanostructured Thin Films IV 8104, 92-100, 2011
Experimental validation of the fundamental mode approximation for stacked metasurfaces and its application to the treatment of arbitrary period ratios
J Sperrhake, M Falkner, M Steinert, S Fasold, T Pertsch
APL Photonics 6 (9), 2021
Tailored structural disorder in optical metasurfaces
D Arslan, S Fasold, A Rahimzadegan, T Kawde, S Linss, N Abbasirad, ...
2018 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR), 1-2, 2018
Bandstructure measurements of lithium niobate waveguide arrays
F Setzpfandt, M Falkner, R Schiek, F Eilenberger, E Pshenay-Severin, ...
CLEO: 2011-Laser Science to Photonic Applications, 1-2, 2011
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Articles 1–20