Cade Massey
Cited by
Cited by
Algorithm aversion: people erroneously avoid algorithms after seeing them err.
BJ Dietvorst, JP Simmons, C Massey
Journal of experimental psychology: General 144 (1), 114, 2015
Overcoming algorithm aversion: People will use imperfect algorithms if they can (even slightly) modify them
BJ Dietvorst, JP Simmons, C Massey
Management science 64 (3), 1155-1170, 2018
The mixed effects of online diversity training
EH Chang, KL Milkman, DM Gromet, RW Rebele, C Massey, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (16), 7778-7783, 2019
The loser's curse: Decision making and market efficiency in the National Football League draft
C Massey, RH Thaler
Management Science 59 (7), 1479-1495, 2013
Detecting regime shifts: The causes of under-and overreaction
C Massey, G Wu
Management Science 51 (6), 932-947, 2005
Small cues change savings choices
JJ Choi, E Haisley, J Kurkoski, C Massey
Journal of economic behavior & organization 142, 378-395, 2017
Hope over experience: Desirability and the persistence of optimism
C Massey, JP Simmons, DA Armor
Psychological Science 22 (2), 274-281, 2011
Prescribed optimism: Is it right to be wrong about the future?
DA Armor, C Massey, AM Sackett
Psychological Science 19 (4), 329-331, 2008
Is optimism real?
JP Simmons, C Massey
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 141 (4), 630, 2012
The loser’s curse: Overconfidence vs. market efficiency in the National Football League draft
C Massey, RH Thaler
NBER Working Paper, 2006
The importance of being an optimist: Evidence from labor markets
R Kaniel, C Massey, DT Robinson
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2010
Overconfidence vs. market efficiency in the National Football League
C Massey, RH Thaler
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2005
Promises aren’t enough: business schools need to do a better job teaching students values
R Canales, C Massey, A Wrzesniewski
Wall Street Journal 23, 2010
Can’t wait to look in the mirror: the impact of experience on better-than-average effect
C Massey, D Robinson, R Kaniel
Proceedings of the annual INFORM meeting, 2006
Understanding under-and over-reaction
C Massey, G Wu
The psychology of economic decisions 2, 15-29, 2004
Optimism and economic crisis
R Kaniel, C Massey, DT Robinson
Available at SSRN 1579050, 2010
Learning to detect change
Y Li, C Massey, G Wu
Chicago Booth School of Business Research Paper, 2014
The Loser's Curse: Overconfidence vs. Market Efficiency in the National Football League Draft-Electronic Appendix
C Massey, RH Thaler
Market Efficiency in the National Football League Draft-Electronic Appendix …, 2010
The Loser’s Curse: Overconfidence vs. Market Efficiency in the National Football League
C Massey, RH Thaler
Management Science 59 (7), 1479-95, 2005
Small cues change savings choices (Working Paper 17843)
JJ Choi, E Haisley, J Kurkoski, C Massey
Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, 2012
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