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Key-aggregate searchable encryption (KASE) for group data sharing via cloud storage
B Cui, Z Liu, L Wang
IEEE Transactions on computers 65 (8), 2374-2385, 2015
Differentially private Naive Bayes learning over multiple data sources
T Li, J Li, Z Liu, P Li, C Jia
Information Sciences 444, 89-104, 2018
VeriFL: Communication-Efficient and Fast Verifiable Aggregation for Federated Learning
X Guo, Z Liu, J Li, J Gao, B Hou, C Dong, T Baker
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 16, 1736-1751, 2020
Searchable symmetric encryption with forward search privacy
J Li, Y Huang, Y Wei, S Lv, Z Liu, C Dong, W Lou
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 18 (1), 460-474, 2019
L-EncDB: A lightweight framework for privacy-preserving data queries in cloud computing
J Li, Z Liu, X Chen, F Xhafa, X Tan, DS Wong
Knowledge-Based Systems 79, 18-26, 2015
GMM and CNN hybrid method for short utterance speaker recognition
Z Liu, Z Wu, T Li, J Li, C Shen
IEEE Transactions on Industrial informatics 14 (7), 3244-3252, 2018
Blockchain-based privacy-preserving remote data integrity checking scheme for IoT information systems
Q Zhao, S Chen, Z Liu, T Baker, Y Zhang
Information Processing & Management 57 (6), 102355, 2020
A training-integrity privacy-preserving federated learning scheme with trusted execution environment
Y Chen, F Luo, T Li, T Xiang, Z Liu, J Li
Information Sciences 522, 69-79, 2020
A distributed anomaly detection system for in-vehicle network using HTM
C Wang, Z Zhao, L Gong, L Zhu, Z Liu, X Cheng
IEEE Access 6, 9091-9098, 2018
Multi-authority fine-grained access control with accountability and its application in cloud
J Li, X Chen, SSM Chow, Q Huang, DS Wong, Z Liu
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 112, 89-96, 2018
Verifiable searchable encryption with aggregate keys for data sharing system
Z Liu, T Li, P Li, C Jia, J Li
Future Generation Computer Systems 78, 778-788, 2018
New order preserving encryption model for outsourced databases in cloud environments
Z Liu, X Chen, J Yang, C Jia, I You
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 59, 198-207, 2016
Location-sharing systems with enhanced privacy in mobile online social networks
J Li, H Yan, Z Liu, X Chen, X Huang, DS Wong
IEEE Systems Journal 11 (2), 439-448, 2015
NPMML: A framework for non-interactive privacy-preserving multi-party machine learning
T Li, J Li, X Chen, Z Liu, W Lou, YT Hou
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 18 (6), 2969-2982, 2020
Blockchain-based secure deduplication and shared auditing in decentralized storage
G Tian, Y Hu, J Wei, Z Liu, X Huang, X Chen, W Susilo
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 19 (6), 3941-3954, 2021
Efficient keyword search over encrypted data with fine-grained access control in hybrid cloud
J Li, J Li, X Chen, C Jia, Z Liu
Network and System Security: 6th International Conference, NSS 2012 …, 2012
PPCL: Privacy-preserving collaborative learning for mitigating indirect information leakage
H Yan, L Hu, X Xiang, Z Liu, X Yuan
Information Sciences 548, 423-437, 2021
Outsourced privacy-preserving classification service over encrypted data
T Li, Z Huang, P Li, Z Liu, C Jia
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 106, 100-110, 2018
Cloud-based electronic health record system supporting fuzzy keyword search
Z Liu, J Weng, J Li, J Yang, C Fu, C Jia
Soft Computing 20, 3243-3255, 2016
DivORAM: Towards a practical oblivious RAM with variable block size
Z Liu, Y Huang, J Li, X Cheng, C Shen
Information Sciences 447, 1-11, 2018
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