Rory Costello
Rory Costello
Senior Lecturer, Department of Politics & Public Administration, University of Limerick
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The Fulfillment of Parties’ Election Pledges: A Comparative Study on the Impact of Power Sharing
R Thomson, T Royed, E Naurin, J Artés, R Costello, L Ennser‐Jedenastik, ...
American Journal of Political Science, 2017
European parliament elections and political representation: policy congruence between voters and parties
R Costello, J Thomassen, M Rosema
Assessing Political Representation in Europe, 10-32, 2020
A new dataset on decision-making in the European Union before and after the 2004 and 2007 enlargements (DEUII)
R Thomson, J Arregui, D Leuffen, R Costello, J Cross, R Hertz, T Jensen
Journal of European Public Policy 19 (4), 604-622, 2012
Election pledges and their enactment in coalition governments: A comparative analysis of Ireland
R Costello, R Thomson
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 18 (3), 239-256, 2008
The distribution of power among EU institutions: who wins under codecision and why?
R Costello, R Thomson
Journal of European Public Policy 20 (7), 1025-1039, 2013
The policy impact of leadership in committees: Rapporteurs’ influence on the European Parliament’s opinions
R Costello, R Thomson
European Union Politics 11 (2), 219-240, 2010
Picking your party online–An investigation of Ireland's first online voting advice application
M Wall, ML Sudulich, R Costello, E Leon
Information Polity 14 (3), 203-218, 2009
The nexus of bicameralism: Rapporteurs’ impact on decision outcomes in the European Union
R Costello, R Thomson
European Union Politics 12 (3), 337-357, 2011
Explaining the fulfillment of election pledges: a comparative study on the impact of government institutions
R Thomson, T Royed, E Naurin, J Artés, R Costello, L Ennser-Jedenastik, ...
Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Panel, 34-9, 2014
Congruence between voters and parties: The role of party‐level issue salience
R Costello, D Toshkov, B Bos, A Krouwel
European Journal of Political Research 60 (1), 92-113, 2021
Bicameralism, nationality and party cohesion in the European Parliament
R Costello, R Thomson
Party Politics 22 (6), 773-783, 2016
Does Bicameralism Promote Stability? Inter-institutional Relations and Coalition Formation in the European Parliament
R Costello
West European Politics 34 (1), 122-144, 2011
Governing together in good and bad economic times: the fulfilment of election pledges in Ireland
R Thomson, R Costello
Irish Political Studies 31 (2), 182-203, 2016
The ideological space in Irish politics: comparing voters and parties
R Costello
Irish Political Studies 32 (3), 404-431, 2017
The fulfilment of election pledges by the outgoing government
R Costello, P O’Neill, R Thomson
How Ireland Voted 2016: The Election That Nobody Won, 27-45, 2016
Rally around the EU flag: Irish party positions on the EU in the wake of Brexit
R Costello
A Litmus Test for Democratic Politics in Europe, 60-76, 2022
The miracle of the markets: Identifying key campaign events in the Scottish independence referendum using betting odds
M Wall, R Costello, S Lindsay
Electoral Studies 46, 39-47, 2017
The fulfilment of election pledges
R Costello, R Thomson
How Ireland Voted 2007: The Full Story of Ireland’s General Election, 19-32, 2008
Issue congruence between voters and parties: examining the democratic party mandate in Ireland
R Costello
Irish Political Studies, 1-25, 2021
Party identification in the wake of the crisis: A nascent realignment?
R Costello
The post-crisis Irish voter, 82-98, 2018
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