Nalin Suranjith Gama-Arachchige
Nalin Suranjith Gama-Arachchige
Senior lecturer, Department of Botany, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
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Identification and characterization of ten new water gaps in seeds and fruits with physical dormancy and classification of water-gap complexes
NS Gama-Arachchige, JM Baskin, RL Geneve, CC Baskin
Annals of Botany 112 (1), 69-84, 2013
Seaweeds as a Source of Functional Proteins
TM Punniamoorthy Thiviya, Ashoka Sriyani Gamage, Nalin Suranjith Gama ...
Phycology 2 (2), 216-243, 2022
Acquisition of physical dormancy and ontogeny of the micropyle–water-gap complex in developing seeds of Geranium carolinianum (Geraniaceae)
NS Gama-Arachchige, JM Baskin, RL Geneve, CC Baskin
Annals of Botany 108 (1), 51-64, 2011
Identification and characterization of the water gap in physically dormant seeds of Geraniaceae, with special reference to Geranium carolinianum
NS Gama-Arachchige, JM Baskin, RL Geneve, CC Baskin
Annals of Botany 105 (6), 977-990, 2010
Germination, harvesting stage, antioxidant activity and consumer acceptance of ten microgreens
GI Senevirathne, NS Gama-Arachchige, AM Karunaratne
Ceylon J. Sci 48 (91), 10.4038, 2019
Functional morpho-anatomy of water-gap complexes in physically dormant seed
RL Geneve, CC Baskin, JM Baskin, KMGG Jayasuriya, ...
Seed Science Research 28 (3), 186-191, 2018
The autumn effect: timing of physical dormancy break in seeds of two winter annual species of Geraniaceae by a stepwise process
NS Gama-Arachchige, JM Baskin, RL Geneve, CC Baskin
Annals of Botany 110 (3), 637-651, 2012
Quantitative analysis of the thermal requirements for stepwise physical dormancy-break in seeds of the winter annual Geranium carolinianum (Geraniaceae)
NS Gama-Arachchige, JM Baskin, RL Geneve, CC Baskin
Annals of Botany 111 (5), 849-858, 2013
Effect of Storage Temperature on Storage Life and Sensory Attributes of Packaged Mustard Microgreens
TM NN Dayarathna, NS Gama-Arachchige, JW Damunupola, Zhenlaei Xiao, Ashoka ...
Life 13 (2), 393, 2023
Species-specific smoke effects on seed germination of plants from different habitats from Sri Lanka
A Alahakoon, GAD Perera, DJ Merritt, SR Turner, NS Gama-Arachchige
Flora 263, 151530, 2020
Accelerated aging test of seed vigour for predicting field emergence of wet direct-seeded rice
A Alahakoon, DSZ Abeysiriwardena, JW Damunupola, FR Hay, ...
Crop and Pasture Science 72 (10), 773-781, 2021
Mineral bioavailability in three locally consumed pulses processed using popular methods: interpreted using molar ratios with phytic acid
AMK M Seneviratne, WKRN Gunasinghe, NS Gama-Arachchige, NBU Dissanayake
Ceylon Journal of Science (Biological Sciences) 41 (1), 19-26, 2012
Low seed moisture and polythene packaging improve storability of seed paddy
A Alahakoon, DSZ Abeysiriwardena, NS Gama-Arachchige
Journal of Stored Products Research 94, 101884, 2021
Seaweeds as a source of functional proteins. Phycology 2 (2): 216–243
P Thiviya, A Gamage, NS Gama-Arachchige, O Merah, T Madhujith
Trends in Seed Priming Research in the Past 30 Years Based on Bibliometric Analysis
Y Tian, NS Gama-Arachchige, M Zhao
Plants 12 (19), 3483, 2023
Effect of priming with neem seed extract on seeds of four traditional rice varieties of Sri Lanka; Kaluheenati, Kurulurthuda, Madathawalu and Maa-wee.
MO Galappaththi, K Jayasuriya, NS Gama-Arachchige
Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka 49 (4), 2021
Storage and hydro-priming treatments to improve the seed quality of two traditional rice varieties; Batapola-el and Suwendal, from Sri Lanka
NSGA MO Galappaththi, K Jayasuriya
Oryza 57 (1), 25-35, 2020
Antioxidant content, microbial quality and consumer preference of one-ingredient strawberry fruit leather
N Nikagolla, NS Gama-Arachchige
Proceedings of Postgraduate Institute of Science Research Congress, 7-8, 2016
Seed dormancy of Cardiospermum halicacabum (Sapindaceae) from three precipitation zones in Sri Lanka
V Thusithana, RWK Amarasekara, KMG Gehan Jayasuriya, ...
Plant Biology 23 (1), 148-155, 2021
Seed Dormancy and Germination Requirements of Two Endemic Palm Species of Sri Lanka
NS Gama-Arachchige, A Alahakoon
Proceedings of International Forestry and Environment Symposium 22, 2017
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