René Seiger
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Cited by
Cortical thickness estimations of FreeSurfer and the CAT12 toolbox in patients with Alzheimer's disease and healthy controls
R Seiger, S Ganger, GS Kranz, A Hahn, R Lanzenberger
Journal of Neuroimaging 28 (5), 515-523, 2018
White matter microstructure in transsexuals and controls investigated by diffusion tensor imaging
GS Kranz, A Hahn, U Kaufmann, M Küblböck, A Hummer, S Ganger, ...
Journal of neuroscience 34 (46), 15466-15475, 2014
Structural connectivity networks of transgender people
A Hahn, GS Kranz, M Küblböck, U Kaufmann, S Ganger, A Hummer, ...
Cerebral Cortex 25 (10), 3527-3534, 2015
Structural changes in amygdala nuclei, hippocampal subfields and cortical thickness following electroconvulsive therapy in treatment-resistant depression: longitudinal analysis
G Gryglewski, P Baldinger-Melich, R Seiger, GM Godbersen, ...
The British Journal of Psychiatry 214 (3), 159-167, 2019
Quantification of task-specific glucose metabolism with constant infusion of 18F-FDG
A Hahn, G Gryglewski, L Nics, M Hienert, L Rischka, C Vraka, ...
Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 2016
Spatial analysis and high resolution mapping of the human whole-brain transcriptome for integrative analysis in neuroimaging
G Gryglewski, R Seiger, GM James, GM Godbersen, A Komorowski, ...
Neuroimage 176, 259-267, 2018
The neuroanatomy of transgender identity: Mega-analytic findings from the ENIGMA transgender persons working group
SC Mueller, A Guillamon, L Zubiaurre-Elorza, C Junque, E Gomez-Gil, ...
The Journal of Sexual Medicine 18 (6), 1122-1129, 2021
Subcortical gray matter changes in transgender subjects after long-term cross-sex hormone administration
R Seiger, A Hahn, A Hummer, GS Kranz, S Ganger, M Woletz, C Kraus, ...
Psychoneuroendocrinology 74, 371-379, 2016
Voxel-based morphometry at ultra-high fields. A comparison of 7 T and 3 T MRI data
R Seiger, A Hahn, A Hummer, GS Kranz, S Ganger, M Küblböck, C Kraus, ...
Neuroimage 113, 207-216, 2015
Sex matters: a multivariate pattern analysis of sex-and gender-related neuroanatomical differences in cis-and transgender individuals using structural magnetic resonance imaging
P Baldinger-Melich, MF Urquijo Castro, R Seiger, A Ruef, DB Dwyer, ...
Cerebral Cortex 30 (3), 1345-1356, 2020
Testosterone affects language areas of the adult human brain
A Hahn, GS Kranz, R Sladky, U Kaufmann, S Ganger, A Hummer, ...
Human brain mapping 37 (5), 1738-1748, 2016
Prediction of autopsy verified neuropathological change of Alzheimer’s disease using machine learning and MRI
A Kautzky, R Seiger, A Hahn, P Fischer, W Krampla, S Kasper, ...
Frontiers in aging neuroscience 10, 406, 2018
Effects of sex hormone treatment on white matter microstructure in individuals with gender dysphoria
GS Kranz, R Seiger, U Kaufmann, A Hummer, A Hahn, S Ganger, M Tik, ...
Neuroimage 150, 60-67, 2017
Hippocampal GABA levels correlate with retrieval performance in an associative learning paradigm
B Spurny, R Seiger, P Moser, T Vanicek, MB Reed, E Heckova, ...
Neuroimage 204, 116244, 2020
Effects of testosterone treatment on hypothalamic neuroplasticity in female-to-male transgender individuals
GS Kranz, A Hahn, U Kaufmann, M Tik, S Ganger, R Seiger, A Hummer, ...
Brain Structure and Function 223, 321-328, 2018
Gender transition affects neural correlates of empathy: A resting state functional connectivity study with ultra high-field 7T MR imaging
M Spies, A Hahn, GS Kranz, R Sladky, U Kaufmann, A Hummer, S Ganger, ...
NeuroImage, 257-65, 2016
Comparison of continuously acquired resting state and extracted analogues from active tasks
S Ganger, A Hahn, M Küblböck, GS Kranz, M Spies, T Vanicek, R Seiger, ...
Human brain mapping 36 (10), 4053-4063, 2015
Hippocampal subfields in acute and remitted depression—an ultra-high field magnetic resonance imaging study
C Kraus, R Seiger, DM Pfabigan, R Sladky, M Tik, K Paul, M Woletz, ...
International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology 22 (8), 513-522, 2019
Translating the immediate effects of S-Ketamine using hippocampal subfield analysis in healthy subjects-results of a randomized controlled trial
A Höflich, C Kraus, RM Pfeiffer, R Seiger, D Rujescu, CA Zarate Jr, ...
Translational Psychiatry 11 (1), 200, 2021
Escitalopram modulates learning content-specific neuroplasticity of functional brain networks
M Klöbl, R Seiger, T Vanicek, P Handschuh, MB Reed, B Spurny-Dworak, ...
NeuroImage 247, 118829, 2022
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Articles 1–20