Arthur Flexer
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Improvements of Audio-Based Music Similarity and Genre Classificaton.
E Pampalk, A Flexer, G Widmer
ISMIR 5, 634-637, 2005
A reliable probabilistic sleep stager based on a single EEG signal
A Flexer, G Gruber, G Dorffner
Artificial intelligence in Medicine 33 (3), 199-207, 2005
On the use of self-organizing maps for clustering and visualization
A Flexer
Intelligent Data Analysis 5 (5), 373-384, 2001
The neglected user in music information retrieval research
M Schedl, A Flexer, J Urbano
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 41 (3), 523-539, 2013
Playlist Generation using Start and End Songs.
A Flexer, D Schnitzer, M Gasser, G Widmer
ISMIR 8, 173-178, 2008
Statistical evaluation of neural network experiments: Minimum requirements and current practice
A Flexer
Cybernetics and Systems Research, 1005-1008, 1996
Using ICA for removal of ocular artifacts in EEG recorded from blind subjects
A Flexer, H Bauer, J Pripfl, G Dorffner
Neural Networks 18 (7), 998-1005, 2005
Local and global scaling reduce hubs in space.
D Schnitzer, A Flexer, M Schedl, G Widmer
Journal of Machine Learning Research 13 (10), 2012
Roadmap for Music Information ReSearch
X Serra, M Magas, E Benetos, M Chudy, S Dixon, A Flexer
A closer look on artist filters for musical genre classification
A Flexer
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Music Information …, 2007
On the use of self-organizing maps for clustering and visualization
A Flexer
European Conference on Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 80-88, 1999
Limitations of self-organizing maps for vector quantization and multidimensional scaling
A Flexer
Advances in neural information processing systems 9, 1996
An automatic, continuous and probabilistic sleep stager based on a Hidden Markov Model
A Flexer, G Dorffner, P Sykacek, I Rezek
Applied Artifial Intelligence 16 (3), 199-207, 2002
The problem of limited inter-rater agreement in modelling music similarity
A Flexer, T Grill
Journal of new music research 45 (3), 239-251, 2016
A MIREX Meta-analysis of Hubness in Audio Music Similarity.
A Flexer, D Schnitzer, J Schlüter
ISMIR, 175-180, 2012
Putting the User in the Center of Music Information Retrieval.
M Schedl, A Flexer
ISMIR, 385-390, 2012
Hierarchical organization and description of music collections at the artist level
E Pampalk, A Flexer, G Widmer
International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, 37-48, 2005
Statistical evaluation of music information retrieval experiments
A Flexer
Journal of New Music Research 35 (2), 113-120, 2006
On Inter-rater Agreement in Audio Music Similarity.
A Flexer
ISMIR, 245-250, 2014
Identification of perceptual qualities in textural sounds using the repertory grid method
T Grill, A Flexer, S Cunningham
Proceedings of the 6th audio mostly conference: a conference on interaction …, 2011
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