Kathrin Finke
Kathrin Finke
University Hospital Jena, LMU Munich
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Cognitive deficits in patients with a chronic vestibular failure
P Popp, M Wulff, K Finke, M Rühl, T Brandt, M Dieterich
Journal of neurology 264 (3), 554-563, 2017
Effects of modafinil and methylphenidate on visual attention capacity: a TVA-based study
K Finke, CM Dodds, P Bublak, R Regenthal, F Baumann, T Manly, ...
Psychopharmacology 210, 317-329, 2010
The influence of alertness on spatial and nonspatial components of visual attention.
E Matthias, P Bublak, HJ Müller, WX Schneider, J Krummenacher, K Finke
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 36 (1), 38, 2010
Staged decline of visual processing capacity in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease
P Bublak, P Redel, C Sorg, A Kurz, H Förstl, HJ Müller, WX Schneider, ...
Neurobiology of aging 32 (7), 1219-1230, 2011
Usability of a theory of visual attention (TVA) for parameter-based measurement of attention I: Evidence from normal subjects
K Finke, P Bublak, J Krummenacher, SØ KyllingsbÆk, HJ Müller, ...
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 11 (7), 832-842, 2005
How do you make me feel better? Social cognitive emotion regulation and the default mode network
X Xie, SM Bratec, G Schmid, C Meng, A Doll, A Wohlschläger, K Finke, ...
NeuroImage 134, 270-280, 2016
Deficits of spatial and task-related attentional selection in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease
P Redel, P Bublak, C Sorg, A Kurz, H Förstl, HJ Müller, WX Schneider, ...
Neurobiology of Aging 33 (1), 195. e27-195. e42, 2012
Neural correlates of age-related decline and compensation in visual attention capacity
I Wiegand, T Töllner, M Dyrholm, HJ Müller, C Bundesen, K Finke
Neurobiology of Aging 35 (9), 2161-2173, 2014
Distinct neural markers of TVA-based visual processing speed and short-term storage capacity parameters
I Wiegand, T Töllner, T Habekost, M Dyrholm, HJ Müller, K Finke
Cerebral Cortex 24 (8), 1967-1978, 2014
Video game experience and its influence on visual attention parameters: An investigation using the framework of the Theory of Visual Attention (TVA)
T Schubert, K Finke, P Redel, S Kluckow, H Müller, T Strobach
Acta psychologica 157, 200-214, 2015
Slow perceptual processing at the core of developmental dyslexia: A parameter-based assessment of visual attention
P Stenneken, J Egetemeir, G Schulte-Körne, HJ Müller, WX Schneider, ...
Neuropsychologia 49 (12), 3454-3465, 2011
Parameter-based assessment of spatial and non-spatial attentional deficits in Huntington's disease
K Finke, P Bublak, M Dose, HJ Müller, WX Schneider
Brain 129 (5), 1137-1151, 2006
Visual spatial and visual pattern working memory: Neuropsychological evidence for a differential role of left and right dorsal visual brain
K Finke, P Bublak, J Zihl
Neuropsychologia 44 (4), 649-661, 2006
Usability of a theory of visual attention (TVA) for parameter-based measurement of attention II: Evidence from two patients with frontal or parietal damage
P Bublak, K Finke, J Krummenacher, R Preger, SØ KyllingsbÆk, ...
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 11 (7), 843-854, 2005
Attentional and sensory effects of lowered levels of intrinsic alertness
E Matthias, P Bublak, A Costa, HJ Müller, WX Schneider, K Finke
Neuropsychologia 47 (14), 3255-3264, 2009
Neuro-cognitive mechanisms of simultanagnosia in patients with posterior cortical atrophy
J Neitzel, M Ortner, M Haupt, P Redel, T Grimmer, I Yakushev, A Drzezga, ...
Brain 139 (12), 3267-3280, 2016
Spatial and non-spatial attention deficits in neurodegenerative diseases: Assessment based on Bundesen's theory of visual attention (TVA)
P Bublak, P Redel, K Finke
Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience 24 (4-6), 287-301, 2006
Comparison of fatigue, cognitive dysfunction and psychological disorders in post-COVID patients and patients after sepsis: is there a specific constellation?
A Stallmach, M Kesselmeier, M Bauer, J Gramlich, K Finke, A Fischer, ...
Infection 50 (3), 661-669, 2022
Preattentive surface and contour grouping in Kanizsa figures: Evidence from parietal extinction
M Conci, E Böbel, E Matthias, I Keller, HJ Müller, K Finke
Neuropsychologia 47 (3), 726-732, 2009
The capacity of attention and simultaneous perception of objects: A group study of Huntington's disease patients
K Finke, WX Schneider, P Redel, M Dose, G Kerkhoff, HJ Müller, P Bublak
Neuropsychologia 45 (14), 3272-3284, 2007
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Articles 1–20