Stefano Gandolfi
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Quantum Monte Carlo methods for nuclear physics
J Carlson, S Gandolfi, F Pederiva, SC Pieper, R Schiavilla, KE Schmidt, ...
Reviews of Modern Physics 87 (3), 1067, 2015
Constraints on the symmetry energy and neutron skins from experiments and theory
MB Tsang, JR Stone, F Camera, P Danielewicz, S Gandolfi, K Hebeler, ...
Physical Review C 86 (1), 015803, 2012
Maximum mass and radius of neutron stars, and the nuclear symmetry energy
S Gandolfi, J Carlson, S Reddy
Physical Review C 85 (3), 032801, 2012
Constraining the speed of sound inside neutron stars with chiral effective field theory interactions and observations
I Tews, J Carlson, S Gandolfi, S Reddy
The Astrophysical Journal 860 (2), 149, 2018
Hyperon puzzle: hints from quantum Monte Carlo calculations
D Lonardoni, A Lovato, S Gandolfi, F Pederiva
Physical review letters 114 (9), 092301, 2015
Quantum Monte Carlo calculations with chiral effective field theory interactions
A Gezerlis, I Tews, E Epelbaum, S Gandolfi, K Hebeler, A Nogga, ...
Physical review letters 111 (3), 032501, 2013
Chiral Three-Nucleon Interactions in Light Nuclei, Neutron- Scattering, and Neutron Matter
JE Lynn, I Tews, J Carlson, S Gandolfi, A Gezerlis, KE Schmidt, ...
Physical review letters 116 (6), 062501, 2016
Local chiral effective field theory interactions and quantum Monte Carlo applications
A Gezerlis, I Tews, E Epelbaum, M Freunek, S Gandolfi, K Hebeler, ...
Physical Review C 90 (5), 054323, 2014
Connecting neutron star observations to three-body forces in neutron matter and to the nuclear symmetry energy
AW Steiner, S Gandolfi
Physical review letters 108 (8), 081102, 2012
Coupled-cluster calculations of nucleonic matter
G Hagen, T Papenbrock, A Ekström, KA Wendt, G Baardsen, S Gandolfi, ...
Physical Review C 89 (1), 014319, 2014
Quantum Monte Carlo calculation of the equation of state of neutron matter
S Gandolfi, AY Illarionov, KE Schmidt, F Pederiva, S Fantoni
Physical Review C 79 (5), 054005, 2009
Neutron matter from low to high density
S Gandolfi, A Gezerlis, J Carlson
Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science 65, 303-328, 2015
Quantum Monte Carlo calculations of neutron matter with chiral three-body forces
I Tews, S Gandolfi, A Gezerlis, A Schwenk
Physical Review C 93 (2), 024305, 2016
Auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo method for strongly paired fermions
J Carlson, S Gandolfi, KE Schmidt, S Zhang
Physical Review A 84 (6), 061602, 2011
The equation of state of neutron matter, symmetry energy and neutron star structure
S Gandolfi, J Carlson, S Reddy, AW Steiner, RB Wiringa
The European Physical Journal A 50, 1-11, 2014
Resonantly interacting fermions in a box
MMN Forbes, S Gandolfi, A Gezerlis
Physical review letters 106 (23), 235303, 2011
Precise determination of the structure factor and contact in a unitary Fermi gas
S Hoinka, M Lingham, K Fenech, H Hu, CJ Vale, JE Drut, S Gandolfi
Physical review letters 110 (5), 055305, 2013
Using neutron star observations to determine crust thicknesses, moments of inertia, and tidal deformabilities
AW Steiner, S Gandolfi, FJ Fattoyev, WG Newton
Physical Review C 91 (1), 015804, 2015
Dense nuclear matter equation of state from heavy-ion collisions
A Sorensen, K Agarwal, KW Brown, Z Chajęcki, P Danielewicz, ...
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 134, 104080, 2024
Charge Form Factor and Sum Rules of Electromagnetic Response Functions in
A Lovato, S Gandolfi, R Butler, J Carlson, E Lusk, SC Pieper, R Schiavilla
Physical review letters 111 (9), 092501, 2013
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