Ella Atkins
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Information consensus in multivehicle cooperative control
W Ren, RW Beard, EM Atkins
IEEE Control systems magazine 27 (2), 71-82, 2007
A survey of consensus problems in multi-agent coordination
W Ren, RW Beard, EM Atkins
Proceedings of the 2005, American Control Conference, 2005., 1859-1864, 2005
Distributed multi‐vehicle coordinated control via local information exchange
W Ren, E Atkins
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control: IFAC‐Affiliated …, 2007
QoS negotiation in real-time systems and its application to automated flight control
TF Atdelzater, EM Atkins, KG Shin
IEEE Transactions on Computers 49 (11), 1170-1183, 2000
Second-order consensus protocols in multiple vehicle systems with local interactions
W Ren, E Atkins
AIAA guidance, navigation, and control conference and exhibit, 6238, 2005
Unsupervised traffic accident detection in first-person videos
Y Yao, M Xu, Y Wang, DJ Crandall, EM Atkins
2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2019
Egocentric vision-based future vehicle localization for intelligent driving assistance systems
Y Yao, M Xu, C Choi, DJ Crandall, EM Atkins, B Dariush
2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 9711-9717, 2019
Optimization and control of cyber-physical vehicle systems
JM Bradley, EM Atkins
Sensors 15 (9), 23020-23049, 2015
Bitrap: Bi-directional pedestrian trajectory prediction with multi-modal goal estimation
Y Yao, E Atkins, M Johnson-Roberson, R Vasudevan, X Du
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 6 (2), 1463-1470, 2021
Enhanced smoothing technique for indirect optimization of minimum-fuel low-thrust trajectories
E Taheri, I Kolmanovsky, E Atkins
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 39 (11), 2500-2511, 2016
Emergency flight planning applied to total loss of thrust
EM Atkins, IA Portillo, MJ Strube
Journal of aircraft 43 (4), 1205-1216, 2006
Game-theoretic modeling of multi-vehicle interactions at uncontrolled intersections
N Li, Y Yao, I Kolmanovsky, E Atkins, AR Girard
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 23 (2), 1428-1442, 2020
X-HALE: A very flexible unmanned aerial vehicle for nonlinear aeroelastic tests
CES Cesnik, PJ Senatore, W Su, EM Atkins, CM Shearer
AIAA journal 50 (12), 2820-2833, 2012
Road risk modeling and cloud-aided safety-based route planning
Z Li, I Kolmanovsky, E Atkins, J Lu, DP Filev, J Michelini
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 46 (11), 2473-2483, 2015
Road disturbance estimation and cloud-aided comfort-based route planning
Z Li, IV Kolmanovsky, EM Atkins, J Lu, DP Filev, Y Bai
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 47 (11), 3879-3891, 2016
Human intent prediction using markov decision processes
CLR McGhan, A Nasir, EM Atkins
Journal of Aerospace Information Systems 12 (5), 393-397, 2015
Roof shape classification from LiDAR and satellite image data fusion using supervised learning
J Castagno, E Atkins
Sensors 18 (11), 3960, 2018
Dota: Unsupervised detection of traffic anomaly in driving videos
Y Yao, X Wang, M Xu, Z Pu, Y Wang, E Atkins, DJ Crandall
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 45 (1), 444-459, 2022
Nonlinear trajectory tracking for fixed wing UAVs via backstepping and parameter adaptation
W Ren, E Atkins
AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit, 6196, 2005
Planning and resource allocation for hard real-time, fault-tolerant plan execution
EM Atkins, TF Abdelzaher, KG Shin, EH Durfee
Proceedings of the third annual conference on Autonomous Agents, 244-251, 1999
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