Nick Vivyan
Nick Vivyan
Professor of Politics, Durham University
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Corruption, accountability, and gender: Do female politicians face higher standards in public life?
AC Eggers, N Vivyan, M Wagner
The Journal of Politics 80 (1), 321-326, 2018
Representative misconduct, voter perceptions and accountability: Evidence from the 2009 House of Commons expenses scandal
N Vivyan, M Wagner, J Tarlov
Electoral studies 31 (4), 750-763, 2012
Legislator dissent as a valence signal.
R Campbell, P Cowley, N Vivyan, M Wagner
British Journal of Political Science. 49 (1), 105-128, 2019
Do voters reward rebellion? The electoral accountability of MPs in Britain
N Vivyan, M Wagner
European Journal of Political Research 51 (2), 235-264, 2012
Why friends and neighbors? Explaining the electoral appeal of local roots
R Campbell, P Cowley, N Vivyan, M Wagner
The journal of politics 81 (3), 937-951, 2019
Who votes more strategically?
AC Eggers, N Vivyan
American Political Science Review 114 (2), 470-485, 2020
Comparing strategies for estimating constituency opinion from national survey samples
C Hanretty, BE Lauderdale, N Vivyan
Political Science Research and Methods 6 (3), 571-591, 2018
Dyadic representation in a Westminster system
C Hanretty, BE Lauderdale, N Vivyan
Legislative Studies Quarterly 42 (2), 235-267, 2017
From doves to hawks: A spatial analysis of voting in the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England
S Hix, B Høyland, N Vivyan
European Journal of Political Research 49 (6), 731-758, 2010
What do voters want from their local MP?
N Vivyan, M Wagner
The Political Quarterly 86 (1), 33-40, 2015
House or home? Constituent preferences over legislator effort allocation
N Vivyan, M Wagner
European Journal of Political Research 55 (1), 81-99, 2016
A choice‐based measure of issue importance in the electorate
C Hanretty, BE Lauderdale, N Vivyan
American journal of political science 64 (3), 519-535, 2020
Partisan bias in opinion formation on episodes of political controversy: Evidence from Great Britain
M Wagner, J Tarlov, N Vivyan
Political Studies 62 (1), 136-158, 2014
Do humble beginnings help? How politician class roots shape voter evaluations
N Vivyan, M Wagner, K Glinitzer, JM Eberl
Electoral Studies 63, 102093, 2020
Combining national and constituency polling for forecasting
C Hanretty, B Lauderdale, N Vivyan
Electoral Studies 41, 239-243, 2016
Decomposing public opinion variation into ideology, idiosyncrasy, and instability
BE Lauderdale, C Hanretty, N Vivyan
The Journal of Politics 80 (2), 707-712, 2018
Costly signals: voter responses to parliamentary dissent in Austria, Britain, and Germany
M Wagner, N Vivyan, K Glinitzer
Legislative Studies Quarterly 45 (4), 645-678, 2020
The misreporting trade-off between list experiments and direct questions in practice: Partition validation evidence from two countries
PM Kuhn, N Vivyan
Political Analysis 30 (3), 381-402, 2022
Advantages, challenges and limitations of audit experiments with constituents
D Bischof, G Cohen, S Cohen, F Foos, PM Kuhn, K Nanou, N Visalvanich, ...
Political Studies Review 20 (2), 192-200, 2022
Reducing turnout misreporting in online surveys
PM Kuhn, N Vivyan
Public Opinion Quarterly 82 (2), 300-321, 2018
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