Keith Hopper
Keith Hopper
Research Entomologist, USDA-ARS
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Risk-spreading and bet-hedging in insect population biology
KR Hopper
Annual review of entomology 44 (1), 535-560, 1999
Deliberate introductions of species: research needs: benefits can be reaped, but risks are high
JJ Ewel, DJ O'Dowd, J Bergelson, CC Daehler, CM D'Antonio, LD Gómez, ...
BioScience 49 (8), 619-630, 1999
Management of genetics of biological-control introductions
KR Hopper, RT Roush, W Powell
Annual review of Entomology 38 (1), 27-51, 1993
Mate finding, dispersal, number released, and the success of biological control introductions
KR Hopper, RT Roush
Ecological entomology 18 (4), 321-331, 1993
Multifaceted determinants of host specificity in an aphid parasitoid
N Desneux, RJ Barta, KA Hoelmer, KR Hopper, GE Heimpel
Oecologia 160, 387-398, 2009
European buckthorn and Asian soybean aphid as components of an extensive invasional meltdown in North America
GE Heimpel, LE Frelich, DA Landis, KR Hopper, KA Hoelmer, Z Sezen, ...
Biological Invasions 12, 2913-2931, 2010
Population Dynamics of Aphis glycines (Homoptera: Aphididae) and Its Natural Enemies in Soybean in Northern China
J Liu, K Wu, KR Hopper, K Zhao
Annals of the Entomological Society of America 97 (2), 235-239, 2004
Prospects for importation biological control of the soybean aphid: anticipating potential costs and benefits
GE Heimpel, DW Ragsdale, R Venette, KR Hopper, RJ O’Neil, ...
Annals of the Entomological Society of America 97 (2), 249-258, 2004
Molecular phylogenetics and reproductive incompatibility in a complex of cryptic species of aphid parasitoids
JM Heraty, JB Woolley, KR Hopper, DL Hawks, JW Kim, M Buffington
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 45 (2), 480-493, 2007
Specialisation of bacterial endosymbionts that protect aphids from parasitoids
MK Asplen, N Bano, CM Brady, N Desneux, KR Hopper, C Malouines, ...
Ecological Entomology 39 (6), 736-739, 2014
Mate finding via a trail sex pheromone by a parasitoid wasp.
X Fauvergue, KR Hopper, MF Antolin
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 92 (3), 900-904, 1995
Worldwide Populations of the Aphid Aphis craccivora Are Infected with Diverse Facultative Bacterial Symbionts
CM Brady, MK Asplen, N Desneux, GE Heimpel, KR Hopper, CR Linnen, ...
Microbial ecology 67, 195-204, 2014
Genomes of the Hymenoptera
MG Branstetter, AK Childers, D Cox-Foster, KR Hopper, KM Kapheim, ...
Current opinion in insect science 25, 65-75, 2018
Parasitism of the soybean aphid, Aphis glycines by Binodoxys communis: the role of aphid defensive behaviour and parasitoid reproductive performance
KAG Wyckhuys, L Stone, N Desneux, KA Hoelmer, KR Hopper, ...
Bulletin of Entomological Research 98 (4), 361-370, 2008
Factors limiting the spread of the protective symbiont Hamiltonella defensa in Aphis craccivora aphids
HR Dykstra, SR Weldon, AJ Martinez, JA White, KR Hopper, GE Heimpel, ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 80 (18), 5818-5827, 2014
Analysis of systems for biological control of crop arthropod pests in the US by augmentation of predators and parasites.
EC King, KR Hopper, JE Powell
Research needs concerning non-target impacts of biological control introductions.
KR Hopper
Evaluating indirect ecological effects of biological control. Key papers …, 2001
Within‐generation bet hedging: a seductive explanation?
KR Hopper, JA Rosenheim, T Prout, SJ Oppenheim
Oikos 101 (1), 219-222, 2003
Stabilization of beneficial traits in Heterorhabditis bacteriophora through creation of inbred lines
C Bai, DI Shapiro-Ilan, R Gaugler, KR Hopper
Biological Control 32 (2), 220-227, 2005
Oviposition vs. offspring fitness in Aphidius colemani parasitizing different aphid species
PJ Ode, KR Hopper, M Coll
Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 115 (2), 303-310, 2005
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