Simone Schotte
Simone Schotte
Research Associate at UNU-WIDER
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Golden aging: Prospects for healthy, active, and prosperous aging in Europe and Central Asia
M Bussolo, J Koettl, E Sinnott
World Bank Publications, 2015
A poverty dynamics approach to social stratification: The South African case
S Schotte, R Zizzamia, M Leibbrandt
World development 110, 88-103, 2018
Covid-19 and employment: Insights from the sub-saharan african experience
M Danquah, S Schotte, K Sen
The Indian Journal of Labour Economics 63, 23-30, 2020
Snakes and ladders and loaded dice: Poverty dynamics and inequality in South Africa between 2008-2017
R Zizzamia, S Schotte, M Leibbrandt
The labour market impact of COVID-19 lockdowns: Evidence from Ghana
S Schotte, M Danquah, RD Osei, K Sen
Journal of African Economies 32 (Supplement_2), ii10-ii33, 2023
Greying the budget: Ageing and preferences over public policies
L De Mello, S Schotte, ER Tiongson, H Winkler
Kyklos 70 (1), 70-96, 2017
The livelihood impacts of COVID-19 in urban South Africa: a view from below
S Schotte, R Zizzamia
Social Indicators Research 165 (1), 1-30, 2023
Why are the elderly more averse to immigration when they are more likely to benefit? Evidence across countries
S Schotte, H Winkler
International Migration Review 52 (4), 1250-1282, 2018
Vulnerability and the middle class in South Africa
R Zizzamia, S Schotte, M Leibbrandt, V Ranchhod
The global distribution of routine and non-routine work
P Lewandowski, A Park, S Schotte
IZA Discussion Paper, 2020
Informal work in sub-Saharan Africa: Dead end or steppingstone?
M Danquah, S Schotte, K Sen
WIDER working paper, 2019
Social stratification, life chances and vulnerability to poverty in South Africa
S Schotte, R Zizzamia, M Leibbrandt
Rural structural change, poverty and income distribution: evidence from Peru
I Flachsbarth, S Schotte, J Lay, A Garrido
The Journal of Economic Inequality 16 (4), 631-653, 2018
COVID-19 and the socioeconomic impact in Africa: The case of Ghana
M Danquah, S Schotte
Helsinki: United Nations University World Institute for Development …, 2020
Africa's new middle class: Fact and fiction of its transformative power
L Giesbert, S Schotte
DEU 1, 12, 2016
Snakes and ladders and loaded dice: Poverty dynamics and inequality in South Africa between 2008 and 2017
S Schotte, R Zizzamia, M Leibbrandt
South African Journal of Economics 90 (2), 214-242, 2022
Informal work in sub-Saharan Africa: Dead end or stepping-stone?
M Danquah, S Schotte, K Sen
IZA Journal of Development and Migration 12 (1), 2021
The job ladder: transforming informal work and livelihoods in developing countries
GS Fields, TH Gindling, K Sen, M Danquah, S Schotte
Oxford University Press, 2023
Implications of the changing nature of work for employment and inequality in Ghana
C Gradín, S Schotte
WIDER Working Paper, 2020
The anxious and the climbers: Ambivalent attitudes towards democracy among South Africa’s middle class
S Schotte
The Journal of Development Studies 57 (3), 465-483, 2021
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