Adams Ceballos-Concha
Adams Ceballos-Concha
Food and resourcer economics department, IFAS, University of Florida
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Cited by
Aquaculture: The missing contributor in the food security agenda
T Garlock, F Asche, J Anderson, A Ceballos-Concha, DC Love, ...
Global Food Security 32, 100620, 2022
Does the location of salmon farms contribute to the reduction of poverty in remote coastal areas? An impact assessment using a Chilean case study
A Ceballos Concha, JD Dresdner Cid, MÁ Quiroga Suazo
Food Policy 75, 68-79, 2018
Impact assessment of salmon farming on income distribution in remote coastal areas: The Chilean case
R Cárdenas-Retamal, J Dresdner-Cid, A Ceballos-Concha
Food Policy 101, 102078, 2021
Aquaculture: The missing contributor in the food security agenda. Glob Food Sec 32: 100620
T Garlock, F Asche, J Anderson, A Ceballos-Concha, DC Love, ...
Urbanization Trade-offs for the Tourism Sector in the Fishing Community of Picinguaba, Brazil
ACE Dias, A Ceballos-Concha
Women & Environments International Magazine 100 (101), 67-69, 2019
Ha contribuido el desarrollo de la salmonicultura en la Región de Los Lagos a la reducción de la pobreza rural? Una mirada empírica desde el ingreso
AE Ceballos Concha
Universidad de Concepción., 2017
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Articles 1–6