Hong Zhang
Hong Zhang
Biostatistician, Pfizer Inc.
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Multi-trait analysis of rare-variant association summary statistics using MTAR
L Luo, J Shen, H Zhang, A Chhibber, DV Mehrotra, ZZ Tang
Nature Communications 11 (1), 2850, 2020
Releasing Wolbachia-infected Aedes aegypti to prevent the spread of dengue virus: A mathematical study
H Zhang, R Lui
Infectious Disease Modelling 5, 142-160, 2020
Pharmacogenomics polygenic risk score for drug response prediction using PRS-PGx methods
S Zhai, H Zhang, DV Mehrotra, J Shen
Nature Communications 13 (1), 5278, 2022
Germline HLA landscape does not predict efficacy of pembrolizumab monotherapy across solid tumor types
A Chhibber, L Huang, H Zhang, J Xu, R Cristescu, X Liu, DV Mehrotra, ...
Immunity 55 (1), 56-64. e4, 2022
The generalized Fisher's combination and accurate p‐value calculation under dependence
H Zhang, Z Wu
Biometrics 79 (2), 1159-1172, 2023
TFisher: a powerful truncation and weighting procedure for combining p-values
H Zhang, T Tong, J Landers, Z Wu
Annals of Applied Statistics 14 (1), 178-201, 2020
Distributions and power of optimal signal-detection statistics in finite case
H Zhang, J Jin, Z Wu
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 68, 1021-1033, 2020
Favezelimab (anti–LAG-3) plus pembrolizumab in patients with relapsed or refractory (R/R) classical Hodgkin lymphoma (cHL) after anti–PD-1 treatment: An open-label phase 1/2 study.
J Timmerman, D Lavie, NA Johnson, A Avigdor, P Borchmann, ...
Journal of Clinical Oncology 40 (16_suppl), 7545-7545, 2022
The general goodness-of-fit tests for correlated data
H Zhang, Z Wu
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 167, 107379, 2022
Composite Kernel Association Test (CKAT) for SNP-set joint assessment of genotype and genotype-by-treatment interaction in Pharmacogenetics studies
H Zhang, N Zhao, DV Mehrotra, J Shen
Bioinformatics 36 (10), 3162-3168, 2020
A fast and accurate approximation to the distributions of quadratic forms of Gaussian variables
H Zhang, J Shen, Z Wu
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 31 (1), 304-311, 2022
A statistical perspective on baseline adjustment in pharmacogenomic genome-wide association studies of quantitative change
H Zhang, A Chhibber, PM Shaw, DV Mehrotra, J Shen
NPJ Genomic Medicine 7 (1), 33, 2022
CauchyCP: A powerful test under non-proportional hazards using Cauchy combination of change-point Cox regressions
H Zhang, Q Li, D Mehrotra, J Shen
Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 10.1177/09622802211037076, 2021
AWOT and CWOT for genotype and genotype-by-treatment interaction joint analysis in pharmacogenetics GWAS
H Zhang, DV Mehrotra, J Shen
Bioinformatics 39 (1), btac834, 2023
Simultaneous detection of novel genes and SNPs by adaptive p-value combination
X Chen, H Zhang, M Liu, HW Deng, Z Wu
Frontiers in Genetics 13, 1009428, 2022
Study Duration Prediction for Clinical Trials with Time-to-Event Endpoints Using Mixture Distributions Accounting for Heterogeneous Population
H Zhang, J Pu, S Deng, S Roychoudhury, H Chu, D Robinson
arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.00540, 2023
Signal-noise ratio of genetic associations and statistical power of SNP-set tests
H Zhang, M Liu, J Jin, Z Wu
Annals of applied statistics 17 (3), 2410-2431, 2023
Novel P-value Combination Methods for Signal Detection in Large-Scale Data Analysis
H Zhang
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