Johannes Lindorfer
Johannes Lindorfer
Energieinstitut an der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
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Global warming potential of hydrogen and methane production from renewable electricity via power-to-gas technology
G Reiter, J Lindorfer
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 20, 477-489, 2015
Evaluating CO2 sources for power-to-gas applications–A case study for Austria
G Reiter, J Lindorfer
Journal of CO2 Utilization 10, 40-49, 2015
Comparison of advanced fuels—which technology can win from the life cycle perspective?
DC Rosenfeld, J Lindorfer, K Fazeni-Fraisl
Journal of Cleaner Production 238, 117879, 2019
Technical, Economic and Environmental Assessment of Biorefinery Concepts: Developing a practical approach for characterisation
M Lindorfer, J. Lettner, M., Hesser, F., Fazeni-Fraisl, K. Rosenfeld,C.D ...
IEA Bioenergy, 2019
Assessing the potential of carbon dioxide valorisation in Europe with focus on biogenic CO2
V Rodin, J Lindorfer, H Böhm, L Vieira
Journal of CO2 Utilization 41, 101219, 2020
Scenario analysis of implementing a power-to-gas and biomass gasification system in an integrated steel plant: A techno-economic and environmental study
DC Rosenfeld, H Böhm, J Lindorfer, M Lehner
Renewable energy 147, 1511-1524, 2020
Fuel cells: Energy conversion technology
J Lindorfer, DC Rosenfeld, H Böhm
Future energy, 495-517, 2020
Techno-economic assessment of seasonal heat storage in district heating with thermochemical materials
H Böhm, J Lindorfer
Energy 179, 1246-1264, 2019
Evaluation of technology structure based on energy yield from wheat straw for combined bioethanol and biomethane facility
V Leitner, J Lindorfer
Renewable Energy 87, 193-202, 2016
Power to Gas-eine Systemanalyse
H Steinmüller, R Tichler, C Friedl, M Furtlehner, J Lindorfer, M Schwarz, ...
Unknown Publisher, 2014
Life cycle analysis and soil organic carbon balance as methods for assessing the ecological sustainability of 2nd generation biofuel feedstock
J Lindorfer, K Fazeni, H Steinmüller
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 5, 95-105, 2014
Hydrogen fuel, fuel cells, and methane
H Lindorfer, J. Reiter, G., Tichler, R., Steinmüller
Managing Global Warming - An Interface of Technology and Human Issues, 2018
Methodological advancements in life cycle process design: a preliminary outlook
K Fazeni, J Lindorfer, H Prammer
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 92, 66-77, 2014
Life‐cycle assessment of green biorefinery process options
M Prieler, J Lindorfer, H Steinmüller
Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining 13 (6), 1391-1401, 2019
sources for power-to-gas applications-A case study for Austria, J
G Reiter, J Lindorfer
Co2 Util 10, 40-49, 2015
Power to Gas-eine Systemanalyse: Markt-und Technologiescouting und-analyse
H Steinmüller, G Reiter, R Tichler, C Friedl, M Furtlehner, J Lindorfer, ...
Im Auftrag des BMWFJ, 2014
Techno-economic aspects of increasing primary energy efficiency in industrial branches using thermal energy storage
S Puschnigg, J Lindorfer, S Moser, T Kienberger
Journal of energy storage 36, 102344, 2021
Techno‐economic and life‐cycle assessment of a wood chips‐based organosolv biorefinery concept for production of lignin monomers and oligomers by base‐catalyzed depolymerization
L Zeilerbauer, J Lindorfer, R Süss, B Kamm
Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining 16 (2), 370-388, 2022
Biorefinery development for the conversion of softwood residues into sustainable aviation fuel: Implications from life cycle assessment and energetic-exergetic analyses
S Puschnigg, K Fazeni-Fraisl, J Lindorfer, T Kienberger
Journal of Cleaner Production 386, 135815, 2023
Application of multi-criteria decision-making tools for assessing biogas plants: A case study in Reykjavik, Iceland
T Llano, E Dosal, J Lindorfer, DC Finger
Water 13 (16), 2150, 2021
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