Giovanni Urga
Giovanni Urga
Professor of Econometrics & Finance, Bayes Business School, London (U.K.)
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The implications of tourism specialisation in the long run: an econometric analysis for 13 OECD economies
A Lanza, P Temple, G Urga
Tourism management 24 (3), 315-321, 2003
Modelling structural breaks, long memory and stock market volatility: an overview
A Banerjee, G Urga
Journal of Econometrics 129 (1-2), 1-34, 2005
A time varying parameter model to test for predictability and integration in the stock markets of transition economies
M Rockinger, G Urga
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 19 (1), 73-84, 2001
Dynamic translog and linear logit models: a factor demand analysis of interfuel substitution in US industrial energy demand
G Urga, C Walters
Energy Economics 25 (1), 1-21, 2003
Identifying jumps in financial assets: A comparison between nonparametric jump tests
AM Dumitru, G Urga
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 30 (2), 242-255, 2012
Are differences in firm size transitory or permanent?
PA Geroski, S Lazarova, G Urga, CF Walters
Journal of Applied Econometrics 18 (1), 47-59, 2003
Testing asset pricing models with coskewness
G Barone Adesi, P Gagliardini, G Urga
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 22 (4), 474-485, 2004
Methods of privatization and economic growth in transition economies1
J Bennett, S Estrin, G Urga
Economics of Transition 15 (4), 661-683, 2007
The evolution of stock markets in transition economies
M Rockinger, G Urga
Journal of Comparative Economics 28 (3), 456-472, 2000
Efficiency, scale and scope economies in the Ukrainian banking sector in 1998
A Mertens, G Urga
Emerging Markets Review 2 (3), 292-308, 2001
Privatisation methods and economic growth in transition economies
J Bennett, S Estrin, J Maw, G Urga
Nota di Lavoro, 2004
Profitability, capacity, and uncertainty: a model of UK manufacturing investment
C Driver, P Temple, G Urga
Oxford Economic Papers 57 (1), 120-141, 2005
Testing for ongoing convergence in transition economies, 1970 to 1998
S Estrin, G Urga, S Lazarova
Journal of Comparative Economics 29 (4), 677-691, 2001
Transforming qualitative survey data: performance comparisons for the UK
C Driver, G Urga
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 66 (1), 71-89, 2004
Testing for ongoing efficiency in the Russian stock market
S Hall, G Urga
Unpublished paper, 2002
Testing for instability in covariance structures
C Kao, L Trapani, G Urga
Independent factor autoregressive conditional density model
A Ghalanos, E Rossi, G Urga
Econometric Reviews 34 (5), 594-616, 2015
Robust GMM tests for structural breaks
P Gagliardini, F Trojani, G Urga
Journal of Econometrics 129 (1-2), 139-182, 2005
The effect of uncertainty on UK investment authorisation: Homogenous vs. heterogeneous estimators
C Driver, K Imai, P Temple, G Urga
Empirical Economics 29, 115-128, 2004
The influence of uncertainty on investment in the UK: a macro or micro phenomenon?
P Temple, G Urga, C Driver
Scottish Journal of Political Economy 48 (4), 361-382, 2001
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