Bertrand Gauffre
Bertrand Gauffre
Unité PSH, INRA Avignon
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Increasing crop heterogeneity enhances multitrophic diversity across agricultural regions
C Sirami, N Gross, AB Baillod, C Bertrand, R Carrié, A Hass, L Henckel, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (33), 16442-16447, 2019
Towards sustainable and multifunctional agriculture in farmland landscapes: lessons from the integrative approach of a French LTSER platform
V Bretagnolle, E Berthet, N Gross, B Gauffre, C Plumejeaud, S Houte, ...
Science of the Total Environment 627, 822-834, 2018
Spatial genetic structure of a small rodent in a heterogeneous landscape
B Gauffre, A Estoup, V Bretagnolle, JF Cosson
Molecular Ecology 17 (21), 4619-4629, 2008
Multiple introductions, admixture and bridgehead invasion characterize the introduction history of Ambrosia artemisiifolia in Europe and Australia
LA van Boheemen, E Lombaert, KA Nurkowski, B Gauffre, LH Rieseberg, ...
Molecular Ecology 26 (20), 5421-5434, 2017
Sex-biased dispersal patterns depend on the spatial scale in a social rodent
B Gauffre, E Petit, S Brodier, V Bretagnolle, JF Cosson
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 276 (1672), 3487-3494, 2009
Artificial barriers prevent genetic recovery of small isolated populations of a low-mobility freshwater fish
RA Coleman, B Gauffre, A Pavlova, LB Beheregaray, J Kearns, J Lyon, ...
Heredity 120 (6), 515-532, 2018
Crop succession and habitat preferences drive the distribution and abundance of carabid beetles in an agricultural landscape
R Marrec, I Badenhausser, V Bretagnolle, L Börger, M Roncoroni, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 199, 282-289, 2015
Immature hoverflies overwinter in cultivated fields and may significantly control aphid populations in autumn
L Raymond, JP Sarthou, M Plantegenest, B Gauffre, S Ladet, A Vialatte
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 185, 99-105, 2014
Kinship, dispersal and hantavirus transmission in bank and common voles
J Deter, Y Chaval, M Galan, B Gauffre, S Morand, H Henttonen, ...
Archives of Virology 153, 435-444, 2008
The role of grassland areas within arable cropping systems for the conservation of biodiversity at the regional level
V Bretagnolle, B Gauffre, H Meiss, I Badenhausser
Grassland Productivity and Ecosystem Services. G. Lemaire, JA Hodgson and A …, 2011
How the common vole copes with modern farming: Insights from a capture–mark–recapture experiment
T Bonnet, L Crespin, A Pinot, L Bruneteau, V Bretagnolle, B Gauffre
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 177, 21-27, 2013
Multi-scale effects of agri-environment schemes on carabid beetles in intensive farmland
G Caro, R Marrec, B Gauffre, M Roncoroni, S Augiron, V Bretagnolle
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 229, 48-56, 2016
Spatiotemporal dynamics of the agricultural landscape mosaic drives distribution and abundance of dominant carabid beetles
R Marrec, G Caro, P Miguet, I Badenhausser, M Plantegenest, A Vialatte, ...
Landscape Ecology 32, 2383-2398, 2017
Spatiotemporal variations in aphid‐parasitoid relative abundance patterns and food webs in agricultural ecosystems
TO Andrade, Y Outreman, L Krespi, M Plantegenest, A Vialatte, B Gauffre, ...
Ecosphere 6 (7), 1-14, 2015
Description of long-term monitoring of farmland biodiversity in a LTSER
V Bretagnolle, E Berthet, N Gross, B Gauffre, C Plumejeaud, S Houte, ...
Data in brief 19, 1310-1313, 2018
Mapping Averaged Pairwise Information (MAPI): a new exploratory tool to uncover spatial structure
S Piry, MP Chapuis, B Gauffre, J Papaïx, A Cruaud, K Berthier
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 7 (12), 1463-1475, 2016
Polymorphic microsatellite loci and PCR multiplexing in the common vole, Microtus arvalis
B Gauffre, M Galan, V Bretagnolle, JF Cosson
Molecular Ecology Notes 7 (5), 830-832, 2007
Spatial heterogeneity in landscape structure influences dispersal and genetic structure: empirical evidence from a grasshopper in an agricultural landscape
B Gauffre, S Mallez, MP Chapuis, R Leblois, I Litrico, S Delaunay, ...
Molecular Ecology 24 (8), 1713-1728, 2015
Vegetation height and egg coloration differentially affect predation rate and overheating risk: an experimental test mimicking a ground-nesting bird
H Gillis, B Gauffre, R Huot, V Bretagnolle
Canadian Journal of Zoology 90 (6), 694-703, 2012
Influence of the surrounding landscape on the colonization rate of cereal aphids and phytovirus transmission in autumn
A Gilabert, B Gauffre, N Parisey, JF Le Gallic, P Lhomme, V Bretagnolle, ...
Journal of pest science 90, 447-457, 2017
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