John D. Pringle
John D. Pringle
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)
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The challenge of timely, responsive and rigorous ethics review of disaster research: views of research ethics committee members
M Hunt, CM Tansey, J Anderson, RF Boulanger, L Eckenwiler, J Pringle, ...
PLoS one 11 (6), e0157142, 2016
Ethics of emergent information and communication technology applications in humanitarian medical assistance
M Hunt, J Pringle, M Christen, L Eckenwiler, L Schwartz, A Davé
International Health 8 (4), 239-245, 2016
Real‐time responsiveness for ethics oversight during disaster research
L Eckenwiler, J Pringle, R Boulanger, M Hunt
Journal of Bioethics 29 (9), 653-661, 2015
Familiar ethical issues amplified: how members of research ethics committees describe ethical distinctions between disaster and non-disaster research
CM Tansey, J Anderson, RF Boulanger, L Eckenwiler, J Pringle, ...
BMC medical ethics 18, 1-12, 2017
Humanitarian Action
J Pringle, M Hunt
Encyclopedia of Global Bioethics, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-05544-2_235-1, 2015
A Médecins Sans Frontières ethics framework for humanitarian innovation
J Sheather, K Jobanputra, D Schopper, J Pringle, S Venis, S Wong, ...
PLoS medicine 13 (9), e1002111, 2016
Health research in complex emergencies: A humanitarian imperative
JD Pringle, DC Cole
Journal of Academic Ethics 7, 115-123, 2009
Ethical considerations for closing humanitarian projects: a scoping review
NE Pal, L Eckenwiler, SR Hyppolite, J Pringle, R Chung, M Hunt
Journal of International Humanitarian Action 4, 1-9, 2019
A Research Agenda for Humanitarian Health Ethics
M Hunt, L Schwartz, J Pringle, R Boulanger, E Nouvet, D O'Mathúna
PLoS Currents Disasters 6, 2014
Sex trafficking survivors’ experiences with the healthcare system during exploitation: A qualitative study
J Lorvinsky, J Pringle, F Filion, AJ Gagnon
PLoS one 18 (8), e0290067, 2023
Closing well: national and international humanitarian workers’ perspectives on the ethics of closing humanitarian health projects
M Hunt, L Eckenwiler, SR Hyppolite, J Pringle, N Pal, R Chung
Journal of International Humanitarian Action 5 (1), 1-13, 2020
Earthquakes to floods: A scoping review of health-related disaster research in low-and middle-income countries
CM Tansey, J Pringle, A Davé, R Boulanger, M Hunt
PLoS currents 10, 2018
The Nigerian lead-poisoning epidemic: The role of neoliberal globalization and challenges for humanitarian ethics
JD Pringle, DC Cole
Dilemmas, challenges, and ethics of humanitarian action: Reflections on MSF …, 2012
Value-sensitive design for humanitarian action: integrating ethical analysis for information and communication technology innovations
A Smith, J Pringle, M Hunt
Ethics of Medical Innovation, Experimentation, and Enhancement in Military …, 2020
Charity medicine for the global poor: Humanitarian ethics and the Nigerian lead-poisoning outbreak
JD Pringle
Nurses' experiences of their decision‐making process when participating in clinical trials during the 2014–2016 West African Ebola crisis
D Nguyen, A Arnaert, J Pringle, N Ponzoni, S Kouyaté, N Fansia, ...
Public Health Nursing 38 (1), 40-46, 2021
An ethic of refusal: the political economy of humanitarianism under neoliberal globalisation
J Pringle, T Moorsom
Humanitarian Action and Ethics. Zed Books, London, 283-307, 2018
The unprecedented lead-poisoning outbreak: Ethical issues in a troubling broader context
JD Pringle
Public Health Ethics 7 (3), 301-305, 2014
The military invasion of humanitarian space
JD Pringle
Juxtaposition Global Health Magazine 2 (2), 16-19, 2008
Doing our best and doing no harm: A focused ethnography of staff moral experiences of providing palliative care at a Médecins Sans Frontières pediatric hospital in Cox’s Bazar …
R Yantzi, M Hadiuzzaman, PK Sen Gupta, A Lamrous, K Richardson, ...
PLoS One 18 (7), e0288938, 2023
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