Soren Henriksen
Cited by
Cited by
Bayesian system identification via Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques
B Ninness, S Henriksen
Automatica 46 (1), 40-51, 2010
Digital hardware implementation of a current controller for IM variable speed drives
SJ Henriksen, RE Betz, BJ Cook
Conference Record of 1998 IEEE Industry Applications Conference. Thirty …, 1998
A digital current controller for three phase voltage source inverters
RE Betz, BJ Cook, SJ Henriksen
IAS'97. Conference Record of the 1997 IEEE Industry Applications Conference …, 1997
Parallel implementation of particle MCMC methods on a GPU
S Henriksen, A Wills, TB Schön, B Ninness
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45 (16), 1143-1148, 2012
A 4× 4 FPGA-based wireless testbed for LTE applications
D Bates, S Henriksen, B Ninness, SR Weller
2008 IEEE 19th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio …, 2008
Time-scale modification of speech signals
B Ninness, SJ Henriksen
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 56 (4), 1479-1488, 2008
System identification via a computational Bayesian approach
B Ninness, S Henriksen, T Brinsmead
Proceedings of the 41st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2002. 2 …, 2002
Practical issues with predictive current controllers
SJ Henriksen, RE Betz, BJ Cook
Proc. Australasian Univ. Power Eng. Conf, 2001
Digital predictive current control of induction machines
SJ Henriksen
University of Newcastle, 2001
Convergence of markov-chain monte-carlo approaches to multiuser and mimo detection
S Henriksen, B Ninness, SR Weller
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 26 (3), 497-505, 2008
Practical aspects of instantaneous power control of induction machines
RE Betz, SJ Henriksen, BJ Cook, T Summers
Conference Record of the 2001 IEEE Industry Applications Conference. 36th …, 2001
Time and frequency scale modification of speech signals
B Ninness, S Henriksen
2000 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal …, 2000
Application of a genetic algorithm in crane movement scheduling
SJ Henriksen, L Wang, GC Goodwin, A Shook
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 32 (2), 4816-4821, 1999
Soft output multiuser detection via a Markov chain Monte Carlo approach
S Henriksen, B Ninness, SR Weller
2005 Australian Communications Theory Workshop, 229-235, 2005
INDUSTRIAL POWER CONVERSION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT-Industrial Drives Committee-Digital Hardware Implementation of a Current Controller for IM Variable-Speed Drives
SJ Henriksen, RE Betz, BJ Cook
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 35 (5), 1021-1029, 1999
Induction Machine Current Control in Digital Hardware
SJ Henriksen, RE Betz, BJ Cook
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Articles 1–16