Computer Vision Scientist
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Cms-rcnn: contextual multi-scale region-based cnn for unconstrained face detection
C Zhu, Y Zheng, K Luu, M Savvides
Deep learning for biometrics, 57-79, 2017
Ring loss: Convex feature normalization for face recognition
Y Zheng, DK Pal, M Savvides
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2018
Multiple scale faster-rcnn approach to driver's cell-phone usage and hands on steering wheel detection
T Hoang Ngan Le, Y Zheng, C Zhu, K Luu, M Savvides
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2016
Methods and software for detecting objects in images using a multiscale fast region-based convolutional neural network
M Savvides, K Luu, Y Zheng, C Zhu
US Patent 10,354,362, 2019
Robust hand detection in vehicles
THN Le, C Zhu, Y Zheng, K Luu, M Savvides
2016 23rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 573-578, 2016
Towards a deep learning framework for unconstrained face detection
Y Zheng, C Zhu, K Luu, C Bhagavatula, THN Le, M Savvides
2016 IEEE 8th International Conference on Biometrics Theory, Applications …, 2016
Complementary interactions between command-like interneurons that function to activate and specify motor programs
JS Wu, N Wang, MJ Siniscalchi, MH Perkins, YT Zheng, W Yu, S Chen, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (19), 6510-6521, 2014
CDTD: A large-scale cross-domain benchmark for instance-level image-to-image translation and domain adaptive object detection
Z Shen, M Huang, J Shi, Z Liu, H Maheshwari, Y Zheng, X Xue, ...
International Journal of Computer Vision 129, 761-780, 2021
DeepSafeDrive: A grammar-aware driver parsing approach to Driver Behavioral Situational Awareness (DB-SAW)
THN Le, CC Zhu, Y Zheng, K Luu, M Savvides
Pattern Recognition 66, 229-238, 2017
Powering finetuning in few-shot learning: Domain-agnostic bias reduction with selected sampling
R Tao, H Zhang, Y Zheng, M Savvides
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 36 (8), 8467-8475, 2022
Weakly supervised facial analysis with dense hyper-column features
C Zhu, Y Zheng, K Luu, T Hoang Ngan Le, C Bhagavatula, M Savvides
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2016
Unsupervised disentanglement of linear-encoded facial semantics
Y Zheng, YK Huang, R Tao, Z Shen, M Savvides
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2021
Correlation between electric potential and peristaltic behavior in Physarum polycephalum
Y Zheng, R Jia, Y Qian, Y Ye, C Liu
BioSystems 132, 13-19, 2015
Adversarial-based knowledge distillation for multi-model ensemble and noisy data refinement
Z Shen, Z He, W Cui, J Yu, Y Zheng, C Zhu, M Savvides
arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.08520, 2019
Deep learning for biometrics
C Zhu, Y Zheng, K Luu, M Savvides
Cham: Springer, 57-79, 2017
CMS-RCNN: Contextual multi-scale region-based CNN for unconstrained face detection. arXiv 2016
C Zhu, Y Zheng, K Luu, M Savvides
arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.05413, 0
A Single Central Pattern Generator for the Control of a Locomotor Rolling Wave in Mollusc Aplysia
HY Wang, K Yu, Z Yang, G Zhang, SQ Guo, T Wang, DD Liu, RN Jia, ...
Research 6, 0060, 2023
Is pose really solved? a frontalization study on off-angle face matching
D Pal, C Bhagavatula, Y Zheng, R Tao, M Savvides
2019 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2058-2067, 2019
Enhancing interior and exterior deep facial features for face detection in the wild
C Zhu, Y Zheng, K Luu, M Savvides
2018 13th IEEE international conference on automatic face & gesture …, 2018
Convex feature normalization for face recognition
M Savvides, DK Pal, Y Zheng
US Patent App. 16/968,040, 2021
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