Mohammad Mahdi Jaghoori
Mohammad Mahdi Jaghoori
Dockmeh, CWI
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1001 Ways to run AutoDock Vina for virtual screening
MM Jaghoori, B Bleijlevens, SD Olabarriaga
Journal of computer-aided molecular design 30, 237-249, 2016
Ten years of analyzing actors: Rebeca experience
M Sirjani, MM Jaghoori
Formal Modeling: Actors, Open Systems, Biological Systems: Essays Dedicated …, 2011
A data‐centric neuroscience gateway: Design, implementation, and experiences
S Shahand, A Benabdelkader, MM Jaghoori, M Mourabit, J Huguet, ...
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 27 (2), 489-506, 2015
Schedulability of asynchronous real-time concurrent objects
MM Jaghoori, FS de Boer, T Chothia, M Sirjani
The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 78 (5), 402-416, 2009
Symmetry and partial order reduction techniques in model checking Rebeca
MM Jaghoori, M Sirjani, MR Mousavi, E Khamespanah, A Movaghar
Acta Informatica 47, 33-66, 2010
Modere: The model-checking engine of Rebeca
MM Jaghoori, A Movaghar, M Sirjani
Proceedings of the 2006 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 1810-1815, 2006
A front-end tool for automated abstraction and modular verification of actor-based models
M Sirjani, A Shali, MM Jaghoori, H Iravanchi, A Movaghar
Proceedings. Fourth International Conference on Application of Concurrency …, 2004
Efficient symmetry reduction for an actor-based model
MM Jaghoori, M Sirjani, MR Mousavi, A Movaghar
Distributed Computing and Internet Technology: Second International …, 2005
Modular schedulability analysis of concurrent objects in Creol
F de Boer, T Chothia, MM Jaghoori
International Conference on Fundamentals of Software Engineering, 212-227, 2009
Compositional semantics of an actor-based language using constraint automata
M Sirjani, MM Jaghoori, C Baier, F Arbab
Coordination Models and Languages: 8th International Conference …, 2006
Scientific Workflow Management--For Whom?
S Olabarriaga, G Pierantoni, G Taffoni, E Sciacca, M Jaghoori, V Korkhov, ...
2014 IEEE 10th international conference on e-Science 1, 298-305, 2014
Decidability problems for actor systems
FS De Boer, MM Jaghoori, C Laneve, G Zavattaro
CONCUR 2012–Concurrency Theory: 23rd International Conference, CONCUR 2012 …, 2012
Programming and deployment of active objects with application-level scheduling
B Nobakht, FS de Boer, MM Jaghoori, R Schlatte
Proceedings of the 27th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 1883-1888, 2012
Modeling and analysis of thread-pools in an industrial communication platform
FS de Boer, I Grabe, MM Jaghoori, A Stam, W Yi
International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods, 367-386, 2009
Schedulability and compatibility of real time asynchronous objects
MM Jaghoori, D Longuet, FS de Boer, T Chothia
2008 Real-Time Systems Symposium, 70-79, 2008
A grid-enabled virtual screening gateway
MM Jaghoori, AJ Van Altena, B Bleijlevens, SD Olabarriaga
2014 6th International Workshop on Science Gateways, 24-29, 2014
Scheduling and analysis of real-time software families
H Sabouri, MM Jaghoori, F de Boer, R Khosravi
2012 IEEE 36th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference, 680-689, 2012
Credo methodology: Modeling and analyzing a peer-to-peer system in credo
I Grabe, MM Jaghoori, B Aichernig, C Baier, T Blechmann, F de Boer, ...
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 266, 33-48, 2010
Dating concurrent objects: Real-time modeling and schedulability analysis
FS de Boer, MM Jaghoori, EB Johnsen
International Conference on Concurrency Theory, 1-18, 2010
Monitoring method call sequences using annotations
B Nobakht, FS de Boer, MM Bonsangue, S de Gouw, MM Jaghoori
Science of Computer Programming 94, 362-378, 2014
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